Mark ft. Jackson Part Three - Happily Ever After (Romantic, cute, sweet)

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A/N - The last part to this Markson mini series thing. Little Ni is still you. Enjoy.


"Mark!" Little Ni yells from the other side of the apartment. "Where did you put the box with all the glass in it?"

"It should be sitting on the kitchen counter," he yells back. She walks over and looks in the ones that are there and finds it. She cuts off a long piece of duct tape and tapes the box shut. Setting the silver roll back on the counter, she wraps her arms around it so she can lift. "Yah, you know you shouldn't be heavy lifting when you're pregnant!" Mark says, catching her just time before she can get it off the granite.

"But I want to help," she says, letting him pick up the box. "I can't just sit around while you do all the work. After all, it is my stuff."

"Baby, I told you," he says, "I got this. You need to get as much rest as possible now because I have a feeling you won't be getting much once that little bugger comes out." She laughs a little in defeat. "Hey, why don't you work on planning the wedding?"

"What wedding?" she asks in confusion.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" he says. "I want you to marry me." She blinks her eyes in shock and tries to prevent herself from crying. Mark smiles and slips a ring on her finger before kissing her forehead gently. "I'm gonna bring this out to the van, okay?" She just nods silently, examining the ring closely. She smiles and looks up just as Mark is walking away with box. He shots her a quick wink and then disappears out the door.


"Hey girl!" Little Ni's friend Kailene says as she comes in the backyard of the house Mark bought for her. "Congratulations!" she adds as she hugs her.

"Thanks," Little Ni replies before breaking the hug.

"You're getting so big," she comments, looking at her pregnant stomach. "I can't wait to see who he looks like. He have your brains though, so that when he proposes to the person he loves it'll be more romantic." Kailene looks at Mark who just smiles innocently, putting an arm around Little Ni. "Hey, do you guys know if Youngjae is here?"

"Oh yeah, I saw him earlier," Mark answers. "Why?"

"Because he's been avoiding me lately and I wanted to ask him why," she says.

"Avoiding you?" Little Ni asks. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, he just gets all shy and blushy around me and didn't use to do that. He was always really chatty around me, but now it's just like he is uncomfortable around me. It's really starting to piss me off."

"Huh, let me go find him," Mark says, walking away for a minute, only to return with an apprehensive looking Youngjae.

"Choi Youngjae!" Kailene yells at him. "Why the hell have you been avoiding me? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Youngjae says frantically. "I-I just..."

"You just what?"

"I like you!" he says, catching all three of them off guard.

"You do?" she says, only getting a silent nod from the blonde boy. She starts laughing and pulls him into a hug. "Then why didn't you just tell me? I like you, too."

"We'll just leave you two to your...whatever this is," Mark says, pulling Little Ni along.

"I think I know who the dominant one in that relationship will be," Little Ni says as they walk along. They both laugh, but that soon goes away when they see Jackson walking towards them.

"Hey guys," he says shyly.

"Hey," Mark says softly as Little Ni just stares in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you both," he replies sincerely. "I'm really happy for you guys."

"Thanks," Mark says with a smile. He hugs Jackson and Jackson smiles at Little Ni as he hugs back. She just smiles faintly in response.

"So have you heard from Kat?" Little Ni asks him.

"Yeah, actually I have," he says with a smile. "We're kind of dating now."

"Really? That's awesome dude," Mark says.

"Yeah, she would have come but she had to travel for work," he says.

"Oh, well I'm glad you guys are happy," Marks replies.

"I'm glad you guys are happy, too."

And so, everyone lived happily ever after.

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