Mark - Once In A Life Time (Fluff)

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"Omo, I'm so excited for this concert!" you friend squals from beside you, clapping her hands together. "I can't believe we are actually going to see GOT7 in the flesh and blood. To breathe the same air as them. The same air. We're gonna share air with GOT7. Isn't that amazing??" You chuckle a little at her, temporarily turning your face away.

"Okay, chill," you reply. 

"How the hell do you expect me to chill when I am going to be in the same room with possibly seven of the most beautiful men on the face of this planet?" she says, her eyebrows raised. You just shake your head, laughing again, and then both of you move up as the line does.

You were not a fan of GOT7, or K-Pop in general, but you didn't hate them either, so you agreed to go to the concert with her. Plus, she kind of dragged you here, so you had no choice. 

"Oh my god, (your name here)!We're next!" she exclaims, jumping up and down. 

"This is why I need new friends," you mumble under your breath, not really caring if she hears you.

"Huh?" she asks, looking as if she hasn't slept in days.

"Nothing, nothing," you say. "Come on." 

"Tickets please," the guy at the door says with a friendly smile. You both hand the rectangular pieces of paper to him and he motions for you to go in.


"That was the highlight of my life," your friend says as you both walk out of the concert.

"I think I'm deaf," you say, poking at your ears. "Why do they have to scream so louldy?"

"It's a fangirl thing, you wouldn't understand," your friend says, gently patting your shoulder. You look at her with furrowed eyebrows as she continues walking ahead of you. "Thanks for coming with me. I know you were probably in hell," she says as you approach her car.

"Well, it wasn't that bad," you smile, getting one out of her as well. 

"I'll see you later, okay? I gotta get home before my parents start calling the FBI," she says, making you laugh.

"Okay, see you," you reply as you wave your hand a little. Then she gets in her car and you head towards yours on the other end of the barely lit parking lot. 


As you walk, getting closer and closer to your destination, you see a huddle of girls in front of a large black van.

"Figures," you say to yourself. "'It's a fangirl thing.'" You look down into your bag so you can search for your keys. "Where are you?" you coo, violently rummaging your hand through your bag. You are so busy looking that you accidently bump into someone, causing you to look up.

"I'm sorry," the male says with a faint smile. You freeze up a little when you recognize him as one of the members of the group that was on stage.

"O-oh, no, it's not your fault," you say. "I wasn't paying attention, so I'm sorry." He laughs a little while continuing to stare at you. "Not to be rude or anything, but aren't you from GOT7?"

"Yeah," he nods. "I'm Mark."

"Right, that's what I thought, but I wasn't sure," you say. "My friend loves you guys with a passion, so she thought it'd be a good idea if she dragged me along to your concert." He chuckles a little at your words.

"What about you?" he asks. "Do you love us with a passion?"

"No, I don't actually. I'm just here for moral support," you say. 

"Oh, well that was nice of you," he compliments, making you blush a little. "I should go before I get trambled to death by fans, but we're having a fansign event tomorrow at this same spot. Why don't you come?" You think about and wonder why it would even matter if you came, after all, you aren't even their fan. But his blinking brown eyes and faint smile you can't help but crack under the pressure.

"Why not?" you say in agreement, earning a wide smile from him.

"Good, it's at noon," he says. 

"Okay, I guess I'll be there," you say with a smile.

"Cool," he says, starting to walk away. "Oh and you can bring your friend, too." You look at him and he flashes one more smile before heading towards the van. 

"Oh my god," you say to yourself as you head towards your car, finally having found your keys. "She's gonna kill me."

K-Pop Imagines Volume 4: GOT7 {Closed for Requests}Where stories live. Discover now