XIV: If He Doesn't I Will

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Tae's POV

I was walking towards the woods with Yoongi, ready to get my answer. While still keeping Yoongi in the dark about who my mate is.

Suddenly i remembered my bag, my suppressants are in there. We rushed back into campus, only to be met by Hobi hyung.

"Tae, somebody handed this to me and said it was your bag. I looked everywhere for you but i couldnt find you." He said extending his arm with my bag in his hand.

Did he go through it? Did he find my suppressants? I looked at Yoongi with panic in my eyes.

"Hey, why are you picking up and going through peoples stuff." Yoongi grumbled.

"But i didn't,  i've just been carrying with me all day waiting to find you guys!" He said a little too loud for my liking.

"Oh alright thanks for being so thoughtful", i said.

He smiled at my answer and began walking with us.

"Alright, we walk home from here Hobi hyung, thanks for picking my bag up." I said.

"I'll walk with you guys, i need some fresh air anyway." He replied.

I was annoyed by then, i had plans that were being intercepted by the same alpha that tried mating me through intimidation.

"Alright Hobi, but only until we stop at my mate's family shop, from there you're on your own", Yoongi said dryly.

"Sounds good." He said through a smile.

He brushed against me the whole way over to Jimin's, it made me uncomfortable, Yoongi hyung stood between us after i kept glancing at him.

Evergreen, i smell evergreen and apples.

My body was soothed with the scent. I felt warm and welcome.

In the distance i could see Jimin, i guess Yoongi could too because a smile was plastered on his face at the sight, until he saw a tall male coming out of the shop and smiling with Jimin.

My alpha, was standing with my brother's omega outside the very place my brother and his omega mated. Yoongi lost it. He ran towards them turning into his wolf in the middle of the street. People were shocked.

Hobi hyung stood next to me and darted towards the 3 too, i strutted quickly after them, if this turned into a brawl i'd be forced to expose my wolf and fight along my brother.

I saw Yoongi get there and stand growling at both of them. Jimin was terrified, he didn't know what was going on. I guess Yoongi mind linked him because Jimin bowed his head, kept it down while walking to stand behind Yoongi.

Jungkook just stood there laughing at Yoongi.

I reached Hobi and stood a little too close to him, something i hadn't noticed because i was too focused on Yoongi and my alpha.

Author's POV

Yoongi went back to his human form and looked back to glare at Jimin, the omega looked confused but bowed to his alpha again.

"What's wrong alpha?" Jimin asked, his voice shaking.

"Why the fuck are you standing with another alpha at the door of your shop, smiling at him like you 2 are cozy with each other?" Yoongi demanded.

Tae's eyes moved to Jungkook who was already staring at back at Tae, his eyes moving from the omega to Hobi and back. He furrowed his brows and turned to look at Yoongi again.

"I just came to buy something Yoongi, it is a shop after all. Jimin only helped me find what i needed and walked me to the door like a good salesman." Jungkook rolled his eyes. Focusing his eyes on how close Tae was to Hoseok.

Yoongi felt ashamed, he made his omega submit in front of everyone out of sheer unjustified jealousy. One of the many downsides to being an alpha is the anxiety they get whenever their mate is near others.

"I'm sorry Jimin, i didn't mean to. I shouldn't have acted that way. Please forgive me." Yoongi pleaded.

Jimins eyes widened at the apology, an alpha was apologizing to him.

"It's ok hyung, i think i would lose my composure too if i saw you close to another omega, i'll be more careful next time." Jimin stammered still unsure of how to approach the alpha.

"No Jimin, i shouldn't have ran over here in wolf form, you are my equal and as such i need to respect you more. My jealousy got the best of me when i saw you smiling with this asshole." Yoongi said turning to Jungkook.

Jungkook scoffed, "oh is he your omega? Is that why you're all worked up?" Jungkook asked thinking back to when Hobi was on top of Jungkook's own omega. "Wow Yoongi, you got yourself a male omega, how lucky. Well i'll be on my way, I'll leave you to scolding your omega." He said coldly.

As he walked away from Yoongi who was now apologizing to Jimin over and over again, he stepped closer to Tae and Hobi.

"I can see you've been busy hyung, no wonder you've been so enthusiastic to head to school, such a submissive alpha you've found yourself", Jungkook said annoyed.

He walked past them, making sure to bump both of their shoulders as he did.

"Watch where the fuck you're walking true alpha" Tae spat, before Hoseok could get a word out.

Everyone turned to look at Tae. Hobi couldn't believe the quiet sub alpha was talking back to a true alpha.

Jimin was shocked at how dominant the omega looked at this percise moment.

Yoongi looked proud ready to fight if Jungkook decided to attack his omega brother.

"What did you say?" Jungkook asked incredulous. "Just who do you think you're talking to? Ill tear you apart sub, watch how you speak to me." He turned to face Tae, his heart feeling heavy with every word. Why is Hobi so close to him he wondered. His envy once again presenting itself in Jungkook's mind.

Jungkook stood inches away from Tae, he could smell the godawful leather and mint but there was something else there. Daisies? No. Tulips? Wrong again. Lavender. It was so so faint Jungkook couldn't be sure.

Tae stood tall, he wanted to bow at the alpha's words, but held his ground. He would bow to no alpha that belittled omegas.

Hobi came in between them "go home little alpha." He said sternly.

Jungkook laughed, his laughter was anything but sweet. He glared at Tae and was on his way shortly after

"Are you ok?", Jimin asked.

"Of course why wouldn't i be?" Tae replied.

Tae was determined to go into those woods now more than ever because if Jungkook didn't reject him Tae drfinitely would.

Confident Tae is the best Tae. ❣

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