XIII: Distance

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Jungkook's POV

I need to stop searching for Taehyung with my eyes.

I need to stay true to my mate, to the bond that will make me the happiest.

Taehyung and i aren't close at all but i know he's seen me staring at him time and time again, he's smiled plenty of times that he's caught me doing it.

I know i could get close to him if Yoongi weren't there. I try to make myself believe that i don't want that anymore, i'm still convincing myself that my mate will make me feel better than Taehyung ever could.

It's hard, something about him just lures me in. His grey eyes are engraved in my memory, but every time i think about him i feel guilty, i always think back to the wolf i saw in the woods.

This morning before school, Hoseok kept rambling about how he couldn't wait to see Taehyung in school today. I sighed at the mere mention of his name. A knot forming in my throat as i imagined my hyung near Tae.

We're in the car now on our way to school, i didn't want to come but my parents forced me.

"He's not Yoongi's mate you know? They're brothers." Hobi stated matter-of-factly.

"What? How do you know?" Curiosity getting the best of me.

"Tae told me, he's a sub alpha so Yoongi's scent permeates him easily." He said with a smile. "Yoongi doesnt push me away from them, he only has issues if i touch him, it makes Tae uncomfortable to be touched and Yoongi keeps anyone from doing it. Teahyung is really quiet, but he smiles alot. I think im in love with a sub alpha little brother." He said grabbing at his chest where his heart is dramatically slumping in his seat.

I felt upset.

"Make sure he likes you back before pinning him down." I murmmured sarcastically.

Hoseok sat up straight a look of disapproval on his face.

"You know what little alpha? That was a mistake i would never lay a hand on any of my brother's mates, i couldn't possibly have known plus i apologized. If you're going to hold that against me for a while let me know, so i can give you space for some time." He spat at me.

I scoffed.

The ride to school was akward to say the least. Hobi flew out of the car as soon as we reached the school and i slowly exited the car, not ready for today.

As i walked to class i saw Hobi walking in the opposite direction, crossing paths with me momentarily. He had no reason to head this way, is he walking Taehyung to class now?

I walked into class and my eyes automatically gravitated towards Tae, he was already staring at me. I looked away as soon as i saw him.

I can't do this to my mate, i thought to myself.

If i'm near him i'll try to speak to him, i'll keep looking at him, hoping for any kind of attention from him.

I went to a classmate and asked him to switch seats with me, he gladly complied, everyone wanted to sit near Tae and no one would dare say no to me.

My body felt really heavy when i took this seat, i could tell Tae was staring at me. I need to stay true to my omega, i repeated to myself.

I looked back at Tae, i frowned at him and scoffed. With those 3 actions i lost all my energy.

He asked to go to the nurse, stood up and left, leaving his bag on his desk.

Tae's POV

I reached Jin hyungs office, and to my surpise Namjoon was in there passing him a cup of coffee. They looked happy as if they shared an intimate secret.

Namjoon was staring fondly at Jin and Jin was sheepishly smiling.

They were startled when i opened the door, Jin blushed and Namjoon just smiled.

"Hi Tae, how are you doing?" Jin asked.

"Im doing fine hyung but i have a question." I said

"Sure ask me anything." Jin replied with a warm smile.

"What happens to omegas if they're rejected by their mates?" I asked facing the floor.

"Well plenty of things could happen Tae. The omega could enter a deep state of depression, develop anxiety, and try to end their own life. Or they could move on from a sour experience like that one and live a happy fulfilling life with a person of their choice instead of their fated mate." Jin continued. " It all depends on the omega Tae, why do you ask?" Curiosity visible on his face.

"I found my mate hyung, an alpha but he dislikes omegas." I sighed.

"What do you mean Tae? You're 17 you shouldn't be able to tell who your mate is yet. How old is the alpha?" Jin questioned.

"He just turned 18" i replied.

"I see, you're nearing your first real heat and he's already at rutting age, so that might be a side effect of holding in so much of your scent and being so close to your birthday and letting it all out at once." Jin said. "Besides you had a preheat and that might be triggering your wolf to find his mate" he stated.

"How did it happen, if you dont mind me asking?" Namjoon asked out of the blue.

I told him, Namjoon knows i'm an omega besides he hasn't told his brothers, i didn't give any names but i told him the whole turn of events.

He hummed as i told him everything, he was thinking while sticking his jaw out.

"Tae how would you feel about confronting this alpha?" Jin asked. "Your parents told me all about why you decided to attend this school in the first place. You're strong Tae stronger than most alphas. An average alpha would've force himself on his mate, you on the other hand, you walked away from a moment so critical to omegas for the sake of your dignity." Jin continued. "If you faced him and he really rejected you then you could either wallow in pain or hold your head up high the way your parents taught you. Personally i think you'd do the latter." Jin smiled.

"He's right Taehyung, the strongest people don't fear rejection, but rise from it." Namjoon said.

"He's seen my wolf, but not my human form. I don't feel comfortable showing him my human form, he does come to this school after all." I glanced at Namjoon.

"So go back to the same place where you first saw him, maybe he's been looking for you." Namjoon replied.

"You're right hyungs, i'm stronger than this." I said full of confidence. "If that alpha doesn't want me theres plenty that would die at my feet waiting for my attention."

I walked off ready to run into those woods later today.


I think i'll dedicate a chapter to Namjin to explain their behaviors next. Before we move into all the drama. 🤗

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