Chapter Four

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"First and last name, ma'am."

Winter jumped back a step. A tall woman in a blue suit was leered over her. Her mousy brown hair was knotted in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, but strands of thin, frizzy hair stuck out all over the place. In her hands was a clipboard. 

"First and last name, ma'am," the woman repeated in a thin voice.

"Winter. Winter Janus," she said. 

The woman leaned in closer. "Please repeat that ma'am, I couldn't hear."

Winter tried not to let out a sigh of annoyance. She thought she was plenty loud, but apperantly not.

"Winter Janus," she said again, half shouting. The woman beamed.  

"Thank you ma'am, right this way."

The woman led Winter over to a small little cubicle that held only a small desk and a pencil. The moment Winter sat down, the woman launched into a monologue.

"The examinations start at ten o' clock. When you hear the buzz we will hand out your tests and you may begin. When you here the buzz again, you must stop your test immediately, and we will take it for scoring. You must remain inside your cubicle until we call your name for the physical examinations. As you know, parents and friends are not allowed to view your exams, and it is illegal to tell anyone about what you have seen in this building. If you have any questions, please ask me now, as you will not have another opportunity. But please, do not ask what question the exam contains, as I am forbidden to tell you that information."  

Winter bobbed her head up and down. "Oh, um, what will neutral kids do during the physical exam?" 

"Well, they have to do the exam like ever other child. Why do you ask? Are you a neutral?" The woman peered down at Winter.

"Maybe I am," Winter mumbled. She scowled down at her lap.

The woman quickly regain her disposition and smiled. "Well then, if you have no further questions I best be off-" 


The woman sighed. She adjusted the clipboard in her arms, then stared in exasperation.

"Why am I the only one here?" Winter asked. "Where is everyone?"

The woman smiled tiredly. "The Exam does not start for another half hour. Your peers must be coming later." With that, she turned and exited. Winter leaned back in her chair and listened to the woman's heels click on the marble as she walked back to the entrance.


The half hour passed slowly. More and more children filled the halls, and Winter felt a pit of dread forming in her stomach. What am I going to do?  Winter thought. She could always play the neutral card, but neutrals are nearly always given low ranking jobs, or used as disposable foot-soldiers. 

I could show them my powers... Winter debated. But, then I'd get killed! 

When Winter heard the buzzer, she was still no closer to finding a solution. A man came around in a rush and slapped a pen and a thick packet on her desk. Winter gaped at the packet. It was huge! She flipped through it hurriedly. The packet was divided into four sections of questions. Literature, mathematics, science, and history. Mathematics was her best subject, so she immediately started on the portion. 

She worked slowly but surely, checking all of her answers. Winter had soon moved through the Science portion, then started History. After that she ended with Literature. As Winter flipped back through the packet, she realized just how many answers she left blank. Half the material had not been covered in class, so she just skipped it. How the hell was she supposed to know what Hydro general was assassinated in Battle of Brand during the Second Stretch of the Pyro - Hydro War?

The buzzer rang out around the hall. It was followed by a chorus of students whining and complaining about how they did not finish. Winter prayed they would not be judged on how much of the test they completed. 

A cool, male voice cut through the silence. "Caspiean Aldrich." 

Winter felt a bead of sweat drip down her temple. Her hands began to tremble slightly in her lap. 

The physical exams had begun.

As Winter waited for her name to be called, she tried to formulate a plan. She twirled the pencil in her hand, and tried to concentrated. That was difficult, because she could hear thumps and crashes coming from the other room. 

Over and over again, the cool voice called out names. In only a few hours Winter heard her name. 

"Winter Janus," it called out. Winter's hands became cold and clammy. Frost capped her fingers once again. She rubbed her hands together fiercely. But it was no use. The frost would not melt.

Winter's boots clicked against the marble as she stood up and walked into the Main room. Rows upon rows of judges were seated right across from where she stood. They stared down coldly. 

"I'm Winter Janus, ready to begin testing."

"Please speak up Miss," said the Head Judge.

Winter gritted her teeth. "I am Winter Janus, ready to begin testing," she said as loud as she could without yelling.

"Thank you. Your testing begins now.

Three holographic figure appeared.  Winter stood there, stunned. Her mind was telling her to run, but she could not. 

The first holographic figure leaped into the air. It blasted a gust of wind at her. The wind knocked Winter off her feet and sent her flying. She crashed into the wall and fell to the ground. The blast left her head pounding. Winter took a sharp, deep breathes.

She looked up from her daze, and the three figures rushing towards her. One of them shot a column of flame in her direction. Winter barely dodged. The hem of her skirt was singed by the fire. Before she could react, a vine wrapped around Winter's ankle. It raised her into the air, then threw her back onto the floor. All of her breath left her lungs. She gasped, trying to regain it. The figures drew closer and closer. Winter tried scoot out of the way, but to no avail. The figures were less than ten feet away. Instinctively, she raised her to try and shield herself from impact. 

But the impact never came. Only a gasp from the judges. 

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