Chapter Six

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Undetermined? That had never happened before. Was I really that much of a problem that they couldn't decide where to place me? I hear the crowd mumble and whisper in confusion. I could feel myself blushing. My face may have been burning hot, but my hands were not. Frost covered my fingers and was creeping up the backside of my hand. I shoved them back into my pockets. I was still extremely confused, but none of the judges offered any explanation. The Head Judge continued to rattle off names and positions without skipping a beat. Embarrassed that I was still standing up, I quickly sat back down. Kia cast me a sideways glance. I could tell that she felt bad for me, but at the same time uncomfortable that she had to be the one to sit next to me. The person to my left looked as though they felt the same way.

The rest of the ceremony passed by in a flash. I did not remember anything. When we were all dismissed, I headed in the direction of my parents, but a male official with a buzz cut blocked. my path.

"Miss Janus, I am hear to inform you that you are to remain in the building until further notice. If you could follow me, I will direct you to the waiting room." the man said in a calm voice.

"But what about my parents?" I asked him.

"Your parents are both receiving the same instructions. You will be able to see them once we reach the waiting room."

I willingly follow the man through the halls. The halls are filled with joyful families that are all proud of their children. My parents are confused and upset. We come upon a door, which the official instructs me to go through. I do not argue. I walk inside and the first thing I see is Mother and Father sitting on a sofa. Father has his arm around Mother, and Mother looks like she has been crying.

"Mother? Father?" Mother and Father turn their heads to looks at me. Mother jumps off of the couch and rushes towards me. She wastes no time in wrapping her arms around me and going into a motherly rant.

"We were so worried Winter! We didn't know whether or not you had failed or gotten hurt or broken something or defied authority! You scared us there! But the officials say that there is nothing to worry about and that you will be perfectly fine. They are going to take you away or anything. You'll be safe, okay?"

"Okay Mother."

Mother smiles at me. "It may take a while though, so you might want to get comfortable."

I sit down in one of the many chairs. This chair, like all the others, is soft and plush. It is covered in royal blue velvet. A silver chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The carpet on the floor is thick and white. A number of mahogany side tables were littered around the room. Some held vases filled with native flowers, others had decks of cards, or checker boards. Thank god the Officials had given us something to do. I would have been bored out of my mind.

Three hours, four checker games, and five rounds of blackjack later, an official walked into the room. He told us to follow him. So we did. He lead us through the marble halls until we reached a large silver door with intricate wave designs carved into it.

"Please walk inside. They are expecting you." The Official instructed us. I pushed open the heavy silver doors. Inside Was a large oval table. Sitting at the table was the Head Judge, a few high ranking Officials, and two other men that had been sitting on the judges panel. They did not surprise me one bit. But sitting at the head of the table was the Prince and the Queen.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open. The royal family almost never gets directly involved with the matters of the Test. What I had done must have been really, really bad.

The Head Judge speaks to us. "Please, take a seat."

I sit down at a seat right across from the Queen. Mother and Father sit on either side of me. When we have all been seated, the Head Judge begins to speak once again. This time, only to me.

"As you know, your performance today had surprised us all,"

I nodded.

"An ice mage has not existed for the past two hundred years. Do you know the story of what happened to the last ice mage?"

I nodded again.

"Very good. Because of that man's actions, we thought it was only right to consult with the Queen, to see her view." The head Judge said. I gulped. The Queen was known for being kind, but if she saw me as a threat to her nation, I was screwed.

"I think you will be pleased to hear that you will not be held accountable to that man's actions. If you accept our terms, we are happy to give you the position of a Hunter."

The Head Judge's face did not match the words she spoke. She would have been delighted to see me locked up or killed.

I was absolutely overjoyed. I am going to be a Hunter! One of the highest ranks in all of the nations. I would be put into a unit with five other men and women, and together we would help our nation win the war.

"There are some conditions." The Queen said.

"First and foremost, you are not to tell anyone but your unit about your powers. The Pyros know nothing of your existence, and we plan to keep it that way until further notice."

I quickly agreed. I would do anything to become a Hunter.

"You also must be completely obedient. If your Captain orders you to do something, you do it."

That sounded easy enough. It should not be too difficult.

"If you are suspected of treason, even if it wasn't your fault, the punishment is a death penalty."

This rule shocked me. I would be put to death even if it wasn't my fault? The Queen must be scared of me if she is making rules like that.

"Winter Janus, do you accept our proposal with all of its conditions?" The Queen asked.

I look over to Mother and Father. There smiles are full of hope and pride. I know that they will accept whatever decision I make. I take a deep breath. My answer will change my life, for better or worse I do not know.

"I accept your proposal." I say at last.

The Queen smiles. "Very good then. There is a bus waiting outside. All of the other students have boarded, and once you have also, the bus will take you to the Drafting Center."

"Well then, off you go! I think we have made the other children wait long enough."

"Um, your Highness," I ask. "May I say my goodbyes?"

"Of course you may dear. But make it quick."

My parents' arms embrace me tightly.

"Goodbye sweetie," Father says. "We love you."

"We love you more than anything in the whole world." Mother adds.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure cheese fondue is a close second!" I joke.

Mother and Father both laugh. "We love you so much more than cheese fondue, trust me!" Father replies.

At last I wiggle my way out of my parents arms. "Well, I best be leaving now." I tell them.

"Okay sweetie. Make us proud, okay?" Mother says to me.


I push open the heavy silver doors once again. I walked throughout the halls until I finally reach the front of the building. The doors to the outside open easily. I am surprised to see that the sun is already setting in the east. A large bus is waiting for me at the foot of the stairs. I quickly grab a seat.The moment I sit down, the bus rumbles and then takes off, leaving the Grand Hall far behind.

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