Chapter Five

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Winter opened her eyes. The panel of judges stared, dumbfounded by what she had done. Winter's stomach filled with dread. 

Frost coated the tiles in front of her. Three icicles jutted out of the floor. Each one had impaled one of the figures in the abdomen. The holograms flicked for a moment, then faded. Winter cursed under her breath. Now there was no chance of convincing the judges that she was neutral. She was dead.

A cold, monotone voice spoke from behind her. "Thank you Winter. You may go back to your Exam area at this moment."

Winter nodded quickly, and rushed out of the hall. As she walked back to her Exam area, she tried to pull her hair in front of her face to avoid being seen. But it only drew more attention to her bright red face. Winter knew the judges do their best to evaluate the students so they can have a bright future, but Winter felt like she was surrounded by hungry vultures. 

The next few hours were agonizingly slow. The tension was worse then it was this morning. Winter now had a clear idea of where her future was headed. It was not a bright one. To pass the time, Winter experimented with what she could do with her powers. She didn't worry about getting in trouble. After what she had just done, nothing could put her deeper into trouble.

Winter found that with a wave of her hand  she could create a small spire of ice. She made a delicate ice rose bloom in her hand. Winter created a tiny ice person that could wobble across the table on its tiny legs. As long as she had a clear visualization of what she was doing, and concentrated on that, she could do about anything. But, she thought it was most entertaining to create wisps of frost that could swirl around in the air with only the slight guidance of her hands. Winter wondered what it would be like on a much large scale. Maybe she could control a snowstorm! 

After a few more long, stressful hours, everyone was called into the Great Hall. Winter's stomach dropped. She stood up from her desk. Her legs were shaking from sitting down for so long. Winter walked out of her Exam area and joined the line of students walking into the Hall. They were very loud. Many were chatting to their friends about their answers and blunders. "You should have seen what I did!" yelled one boy who was standing next to Winter. "I was great!"

Winter tried to keep a straight, calm face. But inside, she was a nervous wreck. It took everything she had not to throw up.  

Officials dressed in navy blue suits herded all of us into the Grand Hall where all of the families sat. The Officials squeezed Winter into a crammed row. The students were packed like sardines.

"Psst, Winter!" 

Winter would have jumped out of her seat if she had not been so squished. Winter turned her head, and found Kia's face, two inches from her own. 

"What?" Winter whispered angrily. 

"Nothing," Kia said. "How did you think you did? What job do you want to get? I'm hoping to get Trader, just like my sister-"

"Kia, please shut up."

Kia just giggled. "So touchy! Just like always."

Winter pursed her lips. Kia was always  loud and talkative. Her spunky, outgoing attitude balanced Winter's quiet, thoughtful one. When they were in school, Kia often got in trouble. Of course,  she always dragged Winter along with her. Winter did not mind. She and Kia had lots of fun, and were as close as siblings. But, not close enough for Winter to tell Kia about her secret. 

The noise of the crowd died down as they saw the Head Judge stand up. She held up her hands for silence. When they lowered, she began her speech. 

"People of the Hydro Nation. We have gathered here today to see our new generation start their lives as full members of our nation. You should be proud to see what brilliant young adults your children have become. I'm sure you all remember when you and your peers stood in this hall to await your fate," The audience smiled and laughed as they remembered their own Tests.  

The Head Judge smiled, but raised her hands for silence. "But," she continued, "this is a day for your children. Your children will shape the future of our Nation, and lead us to peace and prosperity!"

The audience clapped. 

"We will not make you wait any longer. I will announce each child by alphabetical order, and their new rank. When your name is called, please stand."

"Judith Acquarone." A petite girl with ash blonde hair and large green eyes stood up. "Trader." Judith burst into a smile. She sat down just as the next name was being called.

"Charles Arin." A large boy with dark hair and freckles stood up. "Soldier." Charles' sullen faced morphed into a scowl. He sank back into in seat and folded his arms.

Winter zoned out for most of the ceremony. She wished she could be proud of her classmates accomplishments, but thinking about careers made her feel sick. 

Winter only looked up when she heard the Head Judge call out, "Kianna Hert." Kia jumped up. Her short brown curls bounced with excitement. She was smiling wider then she ever had before. 

"Soldier." The Head Judge declared.

Kia smile dropped immediately. So did Winter's. 

 Winter knew that this meant she would likely never see Kia again. Soldiers and Hunters had to leave their homes and families to go and fight. The war was so brutally in these past few years, that many did not make it to retirement age. Kia sunk back into her seat. Winter wrapped her arms around Kia. Tears stung her eyes.

The Head Judge continued to call names. Winter knew that her name was going to be called soon.  She could only wait and see what fate had been decided for her.  

"Winter Janus," The Head Judge calls out. 

Winter's heart leaped into her throat. She stood up slowly, her entire body shaking. Winter glanced at the crowd. Her parents sat together with hopeful looks on their faces. Father gave her a thumbs up. Winter took a deep breath and faced the judges. She mentally prepared herself for the worst. But, she could have never predicted what the Head Judge said next.


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