Chapter One

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The late September night was cold. A light breeze blew, scattering leaves across the sidewalks. The yellow glow from the street lamps casted shadows on brick houses. All was quiet, except for the distant, angry jeers from a mob.

A young girl's boots pounded heavily on the worn road. Her breath was labored, and her pulse was quick. She could hear the voices of the crowd drawing closer.

"She's dangerous!" She heard them shout. "Kill her, kill her now!"

The girl glanced behind herself. Her friends, family and neighbors were right behind her. They carry weapons, torches, and chunks of brick and stone. The acrid smell of smoke fills the air.

"Help!" the young girl shouts. "Please, somebody, help!"

No one is there to answer her prayers. The windows in the houses are dark, and the shutters are drawn.

The mob draws closer, but the girl has little strength to keep running. The mob closes in around her. One of the crowd lunges towards her. She kicks, punches, shoots blasts of ice; anything to keep the crowd away. But their is only so much a little girl can do against hundreds of townspeople.

A man comes up from behind and shoves the girl to the ground. The girl gasps in pain as the man kicks her in the stomach. He jams the heel of his steel tipped boot into her back and holds her there.

Another young girl steps out of the crowd. She holds a dirty hatchet in the left hand. Her short, ragged hair tangles in the wind.

"No. Please, Kia, don't do this." The girl on the ground said. Kia takes no notice of the girl's pleas.

"Kia, I'm your best friend. Please." The girl raises the hatchet over her head. The tip of the blade shone in the moonlight.

"I'm sorry Winter," Kia said with no remorse in her voice. "I have to do this."

And with that, Kia swung the hatchet, right into the little girl's neck.

This chapter has been edited. I will be doing more editing on all of the other chapters. One of these edits will be changing it to third person. Even though I may be making some big changes, the plot of the book and of the chapter will not change, so don't worry :)

Winter's Tale *DISCONTINUED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang