chapter 4

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"P-park Jimin stop"

"No. I won't let you go"


"Jimin, Jin hyung never taught us to force a girl"

Halting in their tracks, Jimin slowly released his grip on Cinderella's hand and smiled apologitically. Then he pouted and took a slight glance at Taehyung behind them before turning back to Cinderella.

"Cindy why can't you join us? Just for a few minutes?" He whined, clutching his hands together.

Taehyung was just watching him behind, relaxing his body while crossing his arms, boring af.

"Jimin I need to hurry before the bus left me" Cinderella said slowly, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. In her hands were a physics book, along with a small notebook on top of it, given by Taehyung.

"Here. Read the book and study a bit by yourself. If there's anything you don't understand, ask me"

She never opened the small notebook yet, but she knew it was probably his own hand-writing notes. She was dying to know how his hand-writing would look like.

"Okay then. But promise me you'll join us the next time I ask you" Jimin grinned, hoping she would agree.

Cinderella pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded her head, while hugging the books close to her chest. Taehyung eyeing her with a small smile.

Jimin cheered and link his arm with Cinderella's. "We'll accompany you to the bus. Let's go" He cooied.

They reached the main entrance of the school and saw the bus by the school's gate. Cinderella turned towards both guy and bowed.

"You can stop here. I'll go there by myself. Anyway, thank you for accompanying me. Also thank you for...being my friend?" Although she was unsure with her words, she could see their sincerity in their eyes. Then, Jimin chuckled, and Taehyung scoffed.

"Of course, we're your friend"

Surprised, Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other and laughed after witnessing they'd said the same sentence in unison. Cinderella laughed along.

"Okay then. I'll get going now. See you tomorrow!" Cinderella smiled and bid them goodbye. But before she could run a bit further, she turns around and raised the books in the air. "Thanks for the books, Taehyung!" She smiled.

Taehyung smiled back and waved at her, while the other hand stayed in his pocket. Jimin was clinging onto his arm while puffing his cheeks.

Jimin sigh loudly while staring at Cinderella's running figure. "I wanted to know more about her..I wonder if she's taken by someone.."

"Yah. You--"

"What? Are you perhaps jealous?" Jimin cut him off, cocking his head while crossing his arms over his chest.

Taehyung turned muted and twitched his eyes at the shorter guy, huffing a breath. "Jealous? Never" He scoffed.

Jimin snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Never" He mocked and walk back inside the building, turning to the left before he pushed the heavy metal door open, revealing a long hallway, accompanied with the colourful doors on each side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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