Chapter 31

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A/n: 1) Please comment! I love reading all the comments you all make! They're funny! Your predictions are also fun to read.

2) Guys I'm planning on having a lot more chapters after the whole Butters thing. So if you think this is the main drama of the story you got a whole lot more coming!

3) I don't just add characters for laughs and stuff. There's a reason I add characters and plots.

4) Look for clues

Stan's POV

I can't believe this. Kyle is gone and I'm stuck with Pete. I felt him staring at me intensely. What's wrong with him? "What is i-"

Pete cuts me off. "Thanks for what you did at the party."

I nodded as I kept looking at the road. "Anyone would have helped."

"Not really." He shrugged and looked out the windshield. "I don't have many friends."

Ugh why do I feel so guilty aboit this? "Hey... Kyle is your friend, right? So is Henrietta, Firkle, Michael, and Craig."

Pete stays quiet for a moment. "Stan, Michael and I are..." I could tell it was hard for him to speak.

"You don't have to explain Pete." I reassure him. I feel my phone buzz, and pulled over. A text from Ike pops up saying they found the killer's hideout and he called the cops.

I wanted to go and see for myself who the killer was, but something was twisting in my heart. Like a warning for me not to go. I glanced at Pete and barely caught something shinning in the light of a streetlap.

Pete was crying.

I started my truck and started driving to my house. "Stan? Where are we going?"

"My house." I mumbled and I took notice that Pete tenced up. "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything. We just need to talk. Ike messaged me, and they called the cops. They're at the killer's hideout." I explained to what looked like a terrified Pete.

"Oh..." He looked out the window before looking back at me. "Can we just pull over instead?"

I could tell Pete was very uncomfortable so I did. We just sat in the cold truck. A hundred thoughts flew through my head. I feel guilty for thinking Pete was stealing my best friend.

"Stan... Do you remember what happened when we were thirteen?" I heard Pete whisper. It made me think. What happened when we were thirteen? "At Wendy's party?" Memories flooded into my brain when he said that. The party we was talking about happened a few weeks after Wendy and I broke up.


"It's a party!!! Whooooooop whoop!" Kenny yelled. Kyle rolled his eyes and Cartman was bored. I held my cup of grape kool-aid and looked around.

"Why was I even invited?" Cartman grumbled.

"Wendy invited all of us so I don't know." Kyle shrugged.

"I didn't ask you Kyhl." Cartman said annoyingly.

"Oh shut up fatass." Kyle retorted.

"I'm big boned!" Cartman hissed, but I drowned the two out.

I just kept looking around and noticed threw of the four goth kids show up. "What are they doing here?" I whispered.

"Oh Wendy invited them." Nicole popped up next to me before walking away with Token.

I just watched the goth kids standing awkwardly next to the wall. Henrietta and Michael were chatting and Pete was looking down at his red solo cup. He looked like he was upset or something was bothering him.

Letters To KyleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora