Chapter 22

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A/n: Y'all are going to hate me, and please comment!!! Also if I do end up writing a smut chapter should it basically be like an extra explaining what happened on the school dance night between Kenny and Craig? Oooor something that will be implied later, but into more detail?

I stood in the corner watching my best friend make a fool of himself. I watched him dancing to the loud music trying to get Wendy's attention while she talked to Nicole and Bebe.

I took a sip of my drink feeling it during my throat. "Hey Kyle!" Kenny laughed as he wobbled over to me. He seemed to have one to many beers. He had a red solo cup in his hand and was giggling. "My friend over there thinks you're cute!" He giggled over the loud music pointing over to some guy across the room. The guy was talking to some girls who themselves were giggling. I didn't recognize him.

"Who is he?" I asked over the music.

"His name is Oden! He's a freshman!" Kenny replied almost spilling the drink in his hand as some girl bumped into him.

"In high school? He looks older than that!" I told him in disbelief.

"No! A freshman in college!" Kenny wobbled away twords Craig and Clyde. The two said boys were playing beer pong.

I looked around and took a sip of my drink every now and then. So college students were also here? I wonder if they were invited or just heard of a party so just showed up. Speaking of parties its strange Cartman decided to throw a party... Oh shit what if he's the Vampire of South Park and threw the party to target a new victim...


It can't be him. His hand writing it different than the killer's. Then again Cartman has done worse things before.

"Hey Kyle." I jumped hearing someone saying my name. I looked over seeing Cartman. "You okay?"

"Oh uh yeah." I told him and looked down at my cup. "Just not in the best mind at the moment." He looked around and placed his own beer on a table.

He takes my hand in his own. "Come with me." He lead me to the kitchen. When we got there he took my cup and handed me a cup of water. "Trust me you need this."

I look down at the cup and then back at Cartman. "I only had one cup of alcohol though."

Cartman shook his head. "It's to calm your nerves." I let out a short sigh and drink the water. "Some of us are playing spin the bottle in the basment."

I nearly spit my water out, but nodded. Cartman nods, and leaves. I look back down at my water.... Spin the bottle... I felt my phone buzz, and saw a message from Pete.

Pete: I changed my mind. I need a break. Send me the address.

I send him a quick 'okay' and Cartman's address. I drink more of my water waiting for Pete to show up. "Kyyyyyle!" I look over seeing a drunk Stan. "Wassup!?"

"Stan the last time I checked you're a sad drunk not a happy one." I chuckle.

"Whaaat?! Me, drunk? Psh never!" He hiccuped.

"Alright how many did you have?" He held up three fingers. "Three cups?" He shook his head and I sighed. "Three bottles?" He nodded.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Stan brushes off. "Is your boyfriend coming?"

"Uh what?" I asked super confused.

"Goth boy. You know Pete!" He tells me and I shake my head.

"Stan he isn't my boyfriend." I tell him. "Besides even if I did like him he doesn't like me."

"Oh? Than who does he like?" Something flashes in his eyes, but soon disappears. Must be a result of the alcohol.

"Why you wanna know?" I chuckled and he staggers back a little.

"He broke up with Michael recently so I find it a little strange." Stan mumbled looking at his bottle of beer.

"Pete was the one who broke it off Stan." I tell him. Oh boy if only he knew who Pete really likes. "Its all going to change afrer graduation anyway. Relationships with break off and Pete's going to France for school."

"Hold up! Did he say wish school?!" Stan snapped his head twords me and I shake my head. "Fuck." He starts walking away.

"Weird." I mumbled before taking another swig of water. I walk into the living room to see teens making out on the couch, people dancing to Billie Jean by Micheal Jackson, and some folks playing beer pong in the kitchen.

For some reason I felt like I was in the middle of some bad 80s film. That or some guy is going to start singing in the bathroom while crying.

I kept looking around until I noticed curt black hair and black hair with red dyed roots. Michael and Pete.

I walked over to Pete and started to drag him into the kitchen. "Damn Kyle what are you doing?!"

"Michael's here!" I warned him before he quickly nodded. I notice Michael heading upstairs and dragged Pete down to the basement. "Jeez what is Michael doing here?" I asked myself.

"Oh I invited him." Clyde spoke up. I looked over at him to see he was in a circle with a few other people. Including Cartman, Stan, Kenny, and Craig. "We're about to play spin the bottle!"

Wendy was also in the circle and she spend the bottle letting it land on Nicole. She quickly kissed her and Token rolled his eyes. Pete and I sat down. "Who next!?" Kenny laughed as he held the bottle up. "Pete! You do it!"

Pete was looked like he was about to say no when Stan grabbed the bottle. "I'll go." He stated seeming a little annoyed and spun the bottle. First time it landed on an empty space, second time it landed on himself, and the third time it landed between Pete and Cartman. "Ah fuck."

"That means you have to kiss both!" Babe laughed and Stan shook his head. "What do you mean no?"

"It means I either spin again, which is getting annoying, or I choose between the two." He crossed his arms before looking at Cartman and Pete. "Pete get your ass over here."

Pete jumped a little from Stan screaming before going over to Stan. Stan grabbed Pete's wrist and pulled him to him. A few people whistled, stared, and Pete was tenced up. Something didn't seem right... Stan soon lets go and the goth boy sat back down next to me.

"Damn dude you didn't have to do that! It could have been a quick peck or something! You made the poor kids wrist red." Clyde stated. I glanced at Pete's left wrist and sure enough there was a red mark. I could tell Stan was looking at it too.

"Soooo I'm next!" Kenny spins the bottle and sees it lands on Craig.

Craig glares at him. "Don't even think about it shithead."

"Already am!" Kenny hugs him with his arms around Craig's neck and kisses him. After he was done he handed the bottle to me. "You're turn Kyle!"

I took the bottle in my hand and breathed in deeply. I spin the bottle and the room goes silent. I look in the direction of where it's pointing.

Fuck the fucking bottle.

Letters To KyleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora