Chapter 24

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             "You're bonding well, makes me feel left out," Adrain called walking into my room and already picking up whatever interested him today. His room wasn't all that far away from mine. All the cool kids grouped together in the old building.

            "You could come to class more often," I hummed not looking up from the trousers I was sewing. 

             "What? Why would I do that? Seems like a bother, you're lucky you see me in magic, you do not want to see me in your practical classes," He snorted stepping over the broken glass I had mostly cleared up to drop on my bed next to me. Arinorae was absorbed in the book I lent her at my desk.

             "You're going to get kicked out of school," I stated, tearing the thread with my teeth.

            "That'll happen whether or not I show up," He hummed, picking up one of the legs with a raised brow. "These are too long to be yours, what are you doing?"

            "Uniforms are strict and they don't make them for Ari's build," He looked at her before looking back.

           "Build?" I shot him a look, "Oh, that wasn't an insult, it's just surprising you didn't blatantly ridicule the school,"

            "I do that a lot, because I'm right, but I do know where to cross the line. And I already wrote to the dean about their lack of consideration but with far harsher words. I haven't gotten a response but he did look away the last time our eyes met so I'm going to say he's working on it, but until then, I can't in good conscience let her get reprimanded for something that isn't her fault,"

           "Mhmm," He watched me suspiciously, making me stick my tongue out at him.

           "Plus, I actually like this design and already did mine so there's no going back and the more people with it the less likely I'll get in trouble," I smirked, thrusting my leg out from under my blanket and showing off the ankle that had a ribbon running through it and keeping it tight.

             "Oh, you little rebel you," He chuckled, "Well, I don't see why I can't do it too, let's start a trend, do you have another needle?" Nodding at the box he opened it and dug through. Our sewing soon fell into silence.

            "Why is he pantsless?" Glancing up a new addition joining us.

            "Fashion," We said together, going back to our sewing at the sight of who it was.

             "You should at least shut the door if you're going to be heathens."

              "He doesn't mind, do you?"

             "Not at all, do you?"

             "Don't see why I would,"

             "You're nobles, try acting a little more like it," Alex sighed, glancing at the still silent Ari before joining us on the bed.

              "What? Noble? Oh no, I'm a noble's bastard, I get to be a heathen," Adrain smirked properly using the thread scissors I had.

              "Most wouldn't flaunt that," I hummed finishing the buttons for the tail flap.

             "And most wouldn't get the council head to avert his gaze with nothing more than a letter,"

              "Is that going to become a thing?" I sighed. 

              "She did what?" Alex asked startled.

               "She wrote the dean a complaint letter about the lack of consideration within the school uniform and he won't meet her gaze anymore," He snickered running the black ribbon through the now tightened ankle of his trousers.

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