Chapter 4

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I feel like I had never really pointed out how fucked up the school was before and it was weird that I never add like, bullying I guess? Cause, you know, I have her magic being a big thing she hates but there won't have been anything for her to internalize that hatred other than a small comment or two? I don't know, I hyped it up too much without giving a reason so you know. Poor Lilith 'cause this book will be a looootttt meaner to her than the original. Lmao, am I right???

         My body hurt, my head hurt, my foot wrapped as none-class none-threatening injuries were not something that the healers would heal, I was starving, and so so exhausted, but I still wasn't allowed to sleep

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         My body hurt, my head hurt, my foot wrapped as none-class none-threatening injuries were not something that the healers would heal, I was starving, and so so exhausted, but I still wasn't allowed to sleep. I had self-study in library A, and, well, despite libraries have always been a safe haven for me, this one, as well as every other in this blasted place, was anything but safe. There was this heathenistic thing one had to fear, a librarian, the creatures so silent you won't know when they begin their way in your direction until it was too late.

        So, with these destressing beasts near, I dragged myself to the library and flopped into a chair after collecting some books from the rogue section. The self-study was intended for one's class. Mine happened to be rogue so I was supposed to study that and I tried. I really did... But sleep seemed so comforting and I had found myself dozing off.

           I was, unfortunately, awakened by one of the monsters called a librarian- who did not seem amused. So, I tried once more, study, study, study, study, sleep, study, sleep, study, study, sleep, study, sleep, sleep, study, sleep... That sounds so nice, what was I supposed to do again? It started with an s... Sleep? Alright, if I insist. Cuddling into my arms once more I drifted off again, only disturbed when my bracelet started to vibrate, signaling I had completed my studying.

          Studying. That's what it was... Scratching the back of my neck I just sighed and collected my books to put them back, knowing I'd just sleep, and put off my shower to tomorrow. I practically crawled back to my room before collapsing on my bed, I skipped dinner again, curiosity not nearly as strong as exhaustion.

          Grumbling as my wrist vibrated I rolled around until I couldn't sleep any longer, grunting I pulled myself into a sitting position I found my body hated me so much more today than it did yesterday. Opening my schedule my drowsiness was wiped away as I felt the color drain from my face, I had five minutes before class!

         Scrambling to pull on my uniform I stumbled around looking for my shoes before clicking my tongue at the childish actions and bolted straight to class as I tamed my hair on the way. All of the regret hit me at once as my aching body roared to life and my foot reopened. When I got there, just in time, I found anger rearing its ugly head in my direction as the teacher had shown up late once again. Mumbling about how even more students had found their way to class this time.

         I could have found something, anything, to cover my now chilled and raw feet, but no, I had to rush to a class I knew the professor wouldn't be on time for, resulting in my injured foot to reopen- to bleed. Not only that but he had the audacity to dress code me for a lack of boots. Without so much as letting me explain myself he had moved to start class not even concerned bout the blood on his floor.

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