Chapter 39

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Looks like I've adopted 3 strangers lmao... idk where they got the adoption papers but yayyy I am a mom! Kinda proud ngl... also, I got new pic for cover but i can't seem to upload it so I'll just do that later :P

Just a reminder, everything in the italics takes place one week after (Y/N)'s death.


I look at him in confusion. Then I lose control.

(Recap Over)

(Y/N)'s POV

I don't understand what's going on, but it hurts. It feels so painful. I can't control what I'm doing. It's bad. I can't do anything. Help me. I can't see.

I can feel panic rise in me, my breath speeding into hyperventilation.

'TASKETE!" I wail, my voice is scratchy and doesn't sound like me.

An anxious and dreadful feeling envelopes me. "HELP ME! HELP ME! I'M I CAN'T CONTROL IT!" I scream.

I begin sobbing. I can't help it. It's so hard to breathe.

"There there." the boy from before coos. He stops my overbearing powers in less than 3 seconds. I continue to sob. Why can't I stop?

He pats my head in a comforting way. I lean my weight on him. "Stop crying..." he says more as a command.

My sobs die down as I regain composure. "Better now?" he asks, his hand petting my hair.

"Th-that thing that you fed me..." I pant out. "It was to make you stronger. You can't just be a weak ghost ya know?"

"Ghost?" I question, taking his words more seriously than before. "Yup!" he chirps.

"I'll show you~" he lightly takes my right hand with his left. His other hand wraps around my waist. He starts growing taller, dragging me with him. I realise that we weren't growing taller but floating.

Instead of screaming like most people would do, I become absolutely ecstatic. "Whoa! We're flying! WE'RE FLYING!" I begin laughing. There's something about it that won't let me stop.

I continue to laugh, enjoying myself to the fullest. I turn to look at him, wanting to see if he's enjoying the flight as much as I am. He's just staring at me. And blatantly. He continues, even after I catch him.

It makes me laugh even more. It feels like a dream but at the same time it feels real. Like you just know it's happening.

I no longer feel the panic I recently felt, my head becomes full of happy thoughts. Floating is fun.

If I get to soar like this, dying might not have been very bad. I can't remember the alive me, but if I can't then it must not have been very important.

"Oh ya! That's right! I have a desert!" he says with a happy tone. Hold the phone. You want me to eat more food after that sketchy thing you just fed me?

I give him a suspicious look. I don't really trust him but eating something different might be better for the crappy taste in my mouth.

"What is it?" I ask. I swear if he says a brain so help me-

"They're muffins!" He exclaims. My eyes brighten at the mention of the delicious snack. "Where?!" I ask excitedly.

"Come with me!"

5 minute timeskip

We walked for about five minutes. During that time, he led me through his boundary, which he told me about. Then we made it into the broadcasting club room, which he explained as the club I'm in.

Which brings me to the present. "I'm glad to see that your... better." the girl Tsukasa called Sakura says.

"Thank-you." I reply politely. But where are the muffins? I want to ask. "Would you like some tea?" she asks nicely. She's just like an older sister!

"If it isn't too much trouble..." I respond bashfully. "Of course not." There are two other guys in the room.

Tsukasa had introduced them as Mitsuba and... what was his name again? Well, Sakura said it was okay to ignore him so I'm sure forgetting his name is alright. Mitsuba seems to be in slight shock. He hasn't said anything. He just keeps looking at me like he has something to say, but keeps it to himself. The other guy just keeps looking at me and winking. Lastly, Tsukasa is clinging onto me. It feels oddly natural.

"Oh yeah!" Tsukasa bursts out suddenly. "Voila!" he says, revealing a basket of muffins.

I gracefully reach out for one. Mmmmmm they're so yummy... they taste like honey.

"I added extra honey while making it!" Tsukasa exclaims proudly. "I see." I respond plainly. 

Quite suddenly, I feel like sleeping. "May I be excused? I feel sleepy." I ask with a yawn. "I'll take you." Tsukasa offers quickly. 

I don't remember the way to my room so that would be nice. "Take the muffins with you." the winking guy offers. I gladly take it. "See you guys later then..." I bid farewell.

Mini time skip

"Nighty night!" Tsukasa whispers. I'm tucked into the blankets. My muffins sit on the bedside table along with a pocket knife. "Whats with the pocket knife?" I ask.

"You don't remember, but it was yours. I even went and refilled it for you." He answers.

"I see..." What the heck did he refill it with? I wanna know yet don't at the same time. I decide not to ask.

"Then, I'll see you later..." I whisper, closing my eyes.

Time skip

I wake up next to Tsukasa. He was sleeping peacefully next to me. His face only a few inches from mine. SO CLOSE! There's something touching my waist as well. Dear God is that his hand?

I debate on whether to move back or not. I mean, I might wake him up if I move and he's sleeping so nicely. 

I decide not to move. I stare at him instead. In the least creepy way. 

His amber eyes flutter open, catching me staring. My goodness why am I so good at embarrassing myself?

"Morning..." he greets me. His voice is low and husky. Oh sweet cheese balls... 

"UHM LET'S GET UP!" I shout out in embarrassment. I try to get up but fail. His arm on my waist tightens. "Five more minutessss" He whines. 

Who does this cutie think he is? 

I lay back down. A few minutes pass before he asks, "Can I kiss you?" with his eyes still closed.

"I hardly even know you." I respond blandly. 

His eyes open again and that same crushed look from yesterday appears on his face. CRAP CRAP WRONG THING TO SAY!

"Sorry that was harsh. Don't be sad please." I plead. "I'm very sad. I think the only thing that would make me happy is a kiss."

"NO WAY!" I scream from reflex. "But you really hurt my feelings."

Gah! He's giving me puppy dog eyes. My weakness! 

I quickly peck him on his cheek. 

"Happy?" I ask, blushing. "Very!" 

"L-let's go see Sakura-chan!" I clumsily change the topic. "Okie dokie!"

A/n: if anyone is looking for a cult to join, then join the Blue Crayon Cult (it's a wattpad book) called "BLUE CRAYON UNITE CULT" 

I'm in this cult and I'm high key proud of it

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