Chapter 13

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Sup yalls I'm here doing two updates today cuz why not. Also new tbhk chapter 65 was <3 <3 like damnnnnn


I can see Yashiro-senpai's gloved hand slip under the odd liquid. So this was what they were up to. Without thinking, I dive into the fluid.

(Recap over)


I wake up to Yashiro-senpai's voice. "-ake..."

"(Y/N)-chan Wake up!" Yashiro-senpai says, shaking me gently. "I'm up." I respond groggily.

"Where are we?" I ask. "Hanako-kun said that we're nowhere." Yashiro-senpai explains as though that made sense. "Come again?" I ask again. "It means that these doors," she says, pointing to the doors around us, "lead to anywhere. Which means that we have to go through ones that look familiar to get back home."

"I see. That makes sense. But, what's the simp doing here?" I ask, pointing to Natsuhiko. "My lady sent me as a test of love." he says dreamily. I see, so she just wanted to get rid of him. Sounds like something she'd do. "Alrighty then! Let's begin our search." I chirp.

Natsuhiko-senpai and I open doors at random, not even trying to find our way out. At least, I was having fun seeing what was on the other side. At one point we saw a giant teddy bear. I liked that a lot. This adventure felt like a game. Like we're pirates trying to find some sort of treasure.

After looking through some dangerous doors, we decided to proceed with caution. Eventually we lose Natsuhiko. It was really quite funny, the way he was dragged by a giant clown thing. Knowing him however, he'll make it out sometime.

"Alrighty then Yashiro-senpai! I'll be the tour guide from now on then." I say cheerfully. "B-b-but h-he just..." she stutters. "You really don't need to worry. He'll be fine. And if not... well it's still fine. We need to keep going, or else I won't make it home in time for today's Love Is War episode" "R-right!"

"Hmmm... this door seems pretty promising" I say, opening it to see a bunch of huge centipedes. 'NOPE NOPE NOPE" I screech, slamming the door. "Let's be more careful." Yashiro-senpai nods with a blank look.

Despite what I said earlier, I still keep looking through intriguing doors. Like, how can you just walk past a pretty yellow door or giant metal one?

After more walking, we pass by a door which makes my eyes widen the size of dinner plates. It's my old bedroom door, from my old house, back from when my parents were still alive. It should be demolished by now, which means this door must be from the past. Without thinking, I open it. I'm pulled into the room by two hands, slamming the door behind me.

I look up; this was not my room sadly. I turn around, seeing a mirror. Wait no, it's not a mirror. It's me? But my hair isn't that short. (A/n: if you're bald, just pretend that you now have hair) "Yes, I happen to be you." the imposter me says. "Well, I'm the future you at least, here to help!" She (I?) chirps, faking a salute. "You see, when I was exactly your age, I was in a very similar situation if you get what I mean." she winks.

Wow I really do get a lot of confidence. She also acts like me too. She must be me in about a month or so. I smile.

"Nice to meet you, future me. It is a pleasure." I say with a curtsy. She gives me a chilling smile. What do I go through to get that type of smile? "I'd like to say the same, but I don't really like seeing you, who can't remember her own past. Can't you tell I don't want to be here?" she asks with a smile.

It's hard to see, but her smile looks a little fake. "Of course it's hard to see. I had many years of practice." "Years? But you're a few months older than me at most." She just sighs in reply. Will I... become depressed? 

"Don't get it in your head that future you is some depressed girl playing happy. I'm a pretty happy person. And you're a pretty ignorant person." She flashes me another smile, this time it's much smaller. I can see here that it's 100% genuine. I never show anyone this smile because I always thought it was ugly. But here she is, giving it to me. I can see now that it really isn't ugly. I reflect it back to her.

"Thats enough now. It's probably not good if I tell you too much." she says. "But before you leave, here's some advice: trust your friends. The ones that make you happy." With that last piece of advice, she opens the door again and tosses me out. I don't fight it. If she wants me out, then I should leave. 

Instead of being back in that nowhere monsters inc place, I'm back in Tsukasa's boundary. 5 seconds go by before I'm wrapped in Tsukasa arms. He hugs me tightly. "Don't leave me again." he whines. I don't have it in me to fight him on his previous plans with Yashiro-senpai. I hug him back tightly.

Is he the friend who makes me happy? He does make me happy, happier than anyone else.

I dissolve into the hug, which seems to make him very happy. "(Y/N)-chan, you seem tired." he coos. "I am. How long have I been gone?" I ask. "A few minutes." he replies easily. "It feels like years." I hum.

By now, all my weight is on him. It's a good thing he's strong. He picks me up and walks me to another room in this big boundary. It's filled with comfly drapes everywhere. He puts me down, laying my head on his lap. I feel his fingers slip into my hair. "Sleep." is the last thing I hear before drifting away.


Okay, so in the third chapter, I said that her parents died in such a horrible way that she got traumatised and her brain plopped it out of her memory (which can happen). I just wanted to say this to anyone who may have forgotten. 

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