Chapter 1

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So I noticed that there weren't a lot of stories with Tsukasa which is sad cuz he's like my all time favourite character. So here I am writing about him for y'all awesome ppl who like him too. If I have any spelling or grammar mistakes, pls tell me so that I can fix it.  Toilet Bound Hanako-kun does not belong to me, only (y/n) and any other characters I add. the art I post also is not mine unless I say so.

PLS KNOW: TSUKASA IS A YANDERE! If you are expecting this to be some sweet romance, just know its a yandere story. Don't say I never warned you...

(Y/N) had always been peculiar. She's been able to see ghosts for as long as she can remember and apparently, that was beyond weird. Almost as odd as her personality. Well that never really mattered to her in the first place.

She's always been friends with the oddest people. Like Minamoto-kun, who sat in front of her in class. Or her senpai, Yashiro-chan, who she suspects can see apparitions.

Other than them she's pretty lonely, which doesn't bother (Y/N), because she's always daydreaming about something. Also, the apparitions kept her company during recess and whenever she was bored. The Mokke were especially good at cards.

The thing that excites her the most is her love for powerful spirits. They are the most fun to be around. That's why she's on the hunt for the school's seven mysteries.

Nene's POV

"Ya-shi-ro-senpaiiiiiiii!!" (Y/N) screams, running full speed towards me. She showed no signs of slowing so I quickly try to move out of the way before we both end up on the floor.

Too late. I'm squashed in a tight bear hug. "Hi (Y/N), what brings you here?" I ask trying to catch my breath.

"Uhm, I'm looking for the seventh mystery, Hanako-san of the toilet. I heard a rumor that if you knock on the third stall of the girls bathroom and say 'Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?' that she'll show herself! Wanna come with me?" (Y/N) says quickly with hopeful eyes.

"Uhm, I don't think that's a good id--"

"I hear she grants wishes! That interests you right?" (Y/N) doesn't know I already know him. What should I tell her? I mean it wouldn't be that bad if I tell her right? Ugh I need to talk to Hanako-kun about this.

Ding Ding Ding

Oh good! An excuse! "I've gotta go to class see ya laterrrr!" I yell already halfway down the hall.


Despite the many airhead vibes I radiate, I'm actually quite smart. I have a very smart gut. And my gut feeling is that Yashiro-senpai is not telling me something.

I consider the possibilities as I walk towards my classroom, muttering my ideas to myself.

It's lunch break as I walk towards the girls bathroom, about to investigate the seventh mystery. But before I could get all the way there, I hear an argument.

"Fess up! I know you took it, you buttface thief!"

"I swear I didn't! Besides there's a stealer in this school! Haven't you heard that people are losing things left right and centre? It was him, not me!"

Oh? Is that the sound of an apparition being ruined by rumors? This is definitely something I need to see. I'll find Hanako-san tomorrow. 

I searched the old building for clues, which is when I heard an "eeek" from... Yashiro-senpai? I run to where I heard it, dashing down halls. I took a few wrong turns. Curse my crap sense of direction!

Where is she? A few minutes pass before I can find her. 

I run into a room, where Yashiro-senpai is sitting, a cute pink Mokke sitting on her lap.

"Yashiro-senpai!!!! Are you okay?!? I'm sorry I took so long!" I say while checking to see if she is hurt anywhere, however she seems just fine and safe.

"Ah no! I was saved by... huh?" Yashiro-senpai trails off confused. "Where did he go?" I hear her mumble to herself.

"Who?" I ask sitting down next to her, seeing as the previous problem was resolved. Her face contorts up with panic at the question. Seeing this, I changed the subject. I'll just ask later, when she's more collected. Then I might get a better answer.  "Why are the Mokke here? Oh goodness! Can you see them?"

Relief flitted across her face at the topic change. "Yup! I can see them. I had no idea you could too. Since when?"

We continued our conversation in the garden until the end of lunch, Yashiro-senpai explained what happened (but excluded the person who saved her) and I told her about how I was always able to see apparitions.

Somehow, our friendship deepened with her knowing about my ability to see ghosts and whatnot. I also fed my lunch candy to the Mokke because they were just under a lot of recent stress from the rumor.

Ding Ding Ding

"Let's continue this conversation tomorrow," Yashiro-senpai says happily. I'm happy she offered, I tend to look crazy when I spend my lunch with apparitions. It's not that I mind too much, but being avoided for that reason is... kinda... pathetic.

"Sure! And remember to be careful around ghosts, I don't want you to get hurt" I reply with a large smile.

Back in class I tune out of the math lesson and think real hard about the recent events. My blood starts boiling at the recent memory.

Someone had spread a rumor about the Mokke, and that in turn caused Yashiro-senpai pain. Both my precious friends had been harmed.

I really need to investigate what happened. For my friends but also, maybe I could meet some interesting people or ghosts along the way. That would be nice.

Alright! It has been decided! Once class is out, I'll start my investigation. 

Tsukasa x Reader How We PlayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang