Chapter 32

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I fall flat on my face. I get up quickly only to see the door shut tightly behind me. I hear Amane try to open it but it's locked on my side. I scramble to unlock it but it vanishes before I can. I'm now stuck here.

(recap over)

Still (Y/N)'s POV

No no no no no! I can't be trapped in this place! Not when students out there are in danger! Wait, this is the perfect opportunity! If I can find a door that leads to earlier today or earlier this week, I can change the future!

I smile with this new knowledge.

All I need to do is find the right door!

Time skip of a few months

It's been a long time since I came to this place. It's hard to tell how long I've been here considering there's no day or night. All I know is that it's been too long. I feel like I'm going insane.

The mokke bring me food and water. I also find supplies in random doors. There were a few times when I went through the wrong door and thought I was a goner. Each time, I'd get myself out. It taught me to be tougher.

I lost hope a while ago. At first, I earnestly looked through doors, hoping to find my world. Then, I became less enthusiastic, hoping that Tsukasa would save me.

That made me realise that I'll probably find the right door eventually. Tsukasa would definitely look for me if I'd been missing for a whole week. When I get back, either no time or hardly any time would've passed from when I entered. Meaning that he wouldn't have needed to look for me in the first place. (i hope that makes sense)

I became a wanderer in this endless place. I've come to collect some pretty cool things too from the places I entered. I found some spray paint cans. I always wanted to try vandalizing. I sprayed a couple of doors. I painted vile things on some, and sweet designs on others.

Now, I have a wagon of random things I thought were cool. I trade them out for food with the Mokke.

I often go through doors that lead to earth, however just not in the time I need. During those times, I often run into other people. Of course, it's usually in their house and I need to quickly go back before they throw something at me.

Sometimes, it leads to a classroom, public bathroom, or somewhere it wouldn't be weird for me to be. During those times, I talk to people. Our conversations are never that long or informing.

Once, I met someone from the future. He was really nice. I asked him to search up Kamome, to see what happened, but he couldn't find anything interesting about it. I couldn't tell if I should be relieved or worried.

I told him to search up my name next. There were a lot of people with my name by his time. We couldn't find anything of use. It would take too long and I was scared that if I took too long, the door I came from would no longer lead back to 'nowhere'.

Eventually, I became hopeless and cold. The only way to get back would be by trusting that Tsukasa would come get me. If I ever do get back, I'll convince him to enter this place and look for current, lost me.

In my loneliness, I talked to Penny, my imaginary friend. It helped a lot. Especially since she's funny. The sad part is that all the jokes she knows, I also know. She somehow reminds me of Tsukasa, even though their personalities are quite different.

Being in here helped me sort out how I feel about my parents' death. It really hurt a lot. I regretted leaving things off with Tsukasa and Minamoto on such a bad note. I talked to Penny about all of it.

Regret fills my mind as I walk aimlessly. I stop quite abruptly. In front of me is a door that looked like my old bedroom door before it got painted.

I search through my wagon, finding the spray cans. I mean, it wouldn't be too hard to paint it like my old door. I need something memorable like this anyway.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" I ask Penny with a smile.

After about an hour of painting, it came to look identical to my old bedroom door. I laugh at my work. "It looks pretty good, doesn't it?" Penny smiles in response.

Then, out of curiosity and lack of anything better to do, I open the door, leaving my wagon of stuff behind me. I hold the door open for Penny but she shakes her head. "I'll be back then." I tell her with a wink. I enter and the door closes behind me.

Inside, I am hit with an odd sense of deja vu. I've been here before... but when?

Then it hits me. I watch as the door I just painted opens. It's me. The past me. I need to warn her! (refer to chapter 13)

I grab her hands and yank her in. She looks around, confused. She gets even more confused when she sees me. "Yes. I happen to be you." I say. Then it dawned on me. If I warn her, wouldn't that change everything? 

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