Chapter 35

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For anyone who skipped the lime last chap, they rly just made out. also, 99% yalls dont remember (well except that one person who commented it) but (Y/N) cutting her hair was her fulfilling her future because when mirai turns her older her hair is cut and when she visits her future self, she also has shorter hair. I kinda forgot to say that...


Damn... I nearly forgot he was yandere. How in the world could I forget?

(Recap over)

I move away from Tsukasa, giving open space to separate us. He clearly doesn't like these new developments. He tries to pull me back but I stop him. I want to see Minamoto-kun and Nene-senpai.

"I wanna go see more people!" I cheer. "Let's go." I fully detach myself from Tsukasa, taking his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Five more minutes?" he pleads like a kitty. "Gah! I really can't say no to you..."

Twelve minutes later (6.9 minutes later- ok im sorry), we exit his boundary hand in hand.

I march out with him. Realising that I haven't even told him about my adventures in 'nowhere', I begin to blabber about what happened to me. Tsukasa stops dead in his tracks. A look of surprise covering his face. I suspected a different reaction, but it's Tsukasa we're talking about. When I mention that I was there for a long time, Tsukasa grabs my shoulders. "How long?"

"Eh? Not that long, don't worry." I say, with a laugh. Why was I laughing? Well, I told myself that when I got back, I'd convince Tsukasa to somehow save past me. But, does it really matter anymore? Present me happens to be fine and happy.

I continue to blabber about my adventures, and the different rooms I went through. While doing so, we walked through the halls of the school.

A police officer stops me. "Didn't you hear the announcement? All students are to get to the school yard immediately." He says sternly and kindly at the same time.

I just laugh at him. How could he be so silly? Of course I wouldn't know to go there. "Why would I go there?" I ask between giggles. "I was nowhere for a while so I wouldn't know. Please, excuse my ignorance." I laugh out.

The police officer and Tsukasa both give me surprised looks. The officer's was more so from fear while Tsukasa's was more so from delight.

"Don't worry, I'll go." I say reassuringly. I'm looking for Nene-senpai and Minamoto-kun, so they'll most likely be there. "I'll escort you." he says, leading me. How thoughtful.

The walk was silent except for my occasional giggles. I can't stop being happy. Leaving that place had to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Well except for meeting Tsukasa.

On our way to the courtyard, we passed a few dead students. The officer covered my eyes each time, and led me through a detour. We also passed Amane. "Amane!" Tsukasa cheers, Giving him a hug.

I stop to watch, The officer beckons me a few times, but I pay that no mind. "Where are you going Amane?" Tsukasa asks.

He answers, "I'm going to my boundary. There's someone I need to find. It'll take a long time, but I think they'll be able to help out."

The officer, who called my name many times now, carefully places his hand on my shoulder to gain my attention. "I understand that you probably saw... some things you didn't want to, but that's exactly why we must get to the school yard."

Tsukasa sees his hand on my shoulder and becomes angry. Very angry. "Koku Jodai."

In a split second, the ceiling above us collapses. Tsukasa skillfully saves me while Amane struggles to saves the officer using his Haku jodai. "What were you thinking?" Amane yells at his brother. "He was touching (Y/N). You shouldn't have saved him." Tsukasa says simply, as though it were obvious.

The officer has a confused look on his face, before he shakes his head and looks at me. "Are you okay?!" I nod with a bright smile. "Thank goodness. I have no idea what's going on with your school." he says, clearly shaken. He then quickly gets up and beckons me to follow him, which I do.

"Cya Amane!" Tsukasa says waving to his brother. Amane considers scolding his brother some more but turns around and runs to his bathroom instead. Tsukasa catches up to me and holds my hand again. I feel really light and happy. 

We finally make it to the schoolyard.

The scene that meets my eyes when we get to the courtyard surprises me. The students are crying, some hyperventilating, while others just oddly staring in the distance or puking. Everyone was staying a good distance from each other. (remember that a lot of them witnessed another dead student and they don't rly trust each other still)

I guess I'm not the only crazy person. I notice that my reaction and theirs are awfully different. I must be the good kind of crazy. Penny would definitely agree. 

Police, meddics and other adults were trying to calm down the students. They however were also pretty shaken.

"(Y/N)!" Tsuchigomori sensei shouts in relief when he sees me. "Heyo sensei!"

His eyes narrow when he notices Tsukasa. "Where's Yashiro-senpai and Minamoto-kun?" I ask. 

"Over there..." he says pointing towards them. I let go of Tsukasa's hand and run like the wind towards them.

"SENPAI! MINNA!" I yell, entangling the both of them into a big bear hug. "I missed you guys so so much!" I say in my sing-song voice.

"(Y/N)-chan! I'm so glad you're safe!" Yashiro says with great relief. She wipes at her tears. She's clearly affected as well.  "I can't believe your alright!" Minamoto-kun says. "I'm sorry about what happened to your hair, and I am a little mad about what happened with the yarn but I'm really glad you're safe."

He narrows his eyes at Tsukasa, while Nene-senpai scooches away from him. "Where's Hanako?" Nene-senpai asks.

Before I answer, he himself replies. "Here I am."

Huh? Wasn't there a supernatural he was looking for? And I thought he said he'd take a long time.

"Ah Hanako-kun! You're safe! The whole school is being so torn apart by that rumor..." Yashiro blabbers. I tune her out.

Something's really wrong. This isn't Amane. I look at Tsukasa, whose face shows clear confusion to the imposter. This guy must be Yato.

(A/N): its almost 2am and thats pretty late for me it made that last line scare me. 

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