Chapter 10

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I'm sorry I didn't update in like a week, my teachers were posting work over quarantine for two weeks and I had no idea. Also, I can only imagine Tsukasa as a yandere... so like sorry if he gives off some of those vibes in this book. I'll try to tone it down.


(Y/N) opened the bathroom door, thinking about everything that just went down. She hears a gasp. Looking up, she sees Minamoto-kun and Yashiro-sepai, along with Amane. Somehow, her brain decided that the most important thing to say is "Are you a pervert Minamoto-kun?"

(Recap over)


"(Y/N)-kun... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CLOTHES?!?" Yashiro-senpai yells, rushing up to me. I definitely can't let them know. "Hi senpai!" I say instead. I need to quickly change the subject. Nothing comes to mind so I quickly run into a stall before they can stop me and lock myself in to change. The whole time I was speed changing, Yashiro-senpai banged on the door and Minamoto-kun tried to convince me to come out.

I open the door suddenly, wearing Sakura's old uniform, my gross one hiding in the bag hers was in. Yashiro-senpai grabs my shoulders and shakes them violently, yelling too fast to understand. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOUR CLOTHES?!? ARE YOU HURT?!? IT'S NOT YOUR BLOOD RIGHT!?! WHOSE BLOOD IS IT?!? AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THESE PAST FEW DAYS?!?"

I need to get back to the club before Tsukasa thinks things again. "As you can see senpai, I'm all righty!" I say, trying to shuffle closer to the door. I feel a hand on my shoulder which makes me jump. I turn around and see Amane. "The blood... wouldn't happen to have something to do with Tsukasa right?" he asks.

What do I say? I'm not confident at lying to Amane. It'd feel like I'm lying to Tsukasa. "Maybe..." I say slowly. Minamoto-kun jumps in front of me. "Don't stay around him then! Where did he get that blood from in the first place? Is it his? Or... " he trails off. "I agree with Minamoto-kun," Yashiro-senpai declares.

"I'll try to keep that in mind." I say blankly. I really need to leave. "Gotta go!" I yell, trying to run out of the bathroom. My attempt failed because the persistent Yashiro-senpai and Minamoto-kun pinned me down. "First you associate with a suspicious person, then you ignore me for days, then you appear again covered in blood, and now you 'gotta go'? I don't think so!" Yashiro-senpai screeches. Minamoto-kun just nods in agreement.

Oh dear. This is quite a sticky situation. I need to throw them off to escape. My spy days are coming back! "Yashiro-senpai," I whisper in her ear, "do you remember that time I heard you talking to yourself about Minamoto-senpai? Something about him being yandere with you? I wonder how he'd feel knowing about that?" Ugh! I feel bad about stooping this low but... if I dawdle, Tsukasa will get suspicious and we just made up. "And Minamoto-kun," this time I yell, "I HAD RESPECT FOR YOU BUT NOW I SEE YOU'RE JUST A PERV HANGING OUT IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM!"

With both of them in a state of embarrassment and shame, I slip out from under them. It was oddly easy. I bolt out of there. With my last glance back, I see Amane giving me a suspicious look. He can probably tell that I'm not going to answer any questions at this time.

I run all the way to the club room not looking back to see if they followed me. By the time I open the door, I thankfully see the earlier mess cleaned. Tsukasa unsurprisingly gives me a hug the moment I'm in the room. This feels normal. Like home.

"Good. It fits." Sakura says, referring to the uniform. "Yup! It's comfier than my other one. Thanks." I say with a smile. "You can keep it then. I don't need it anyway." she tells me. She goes back to her book, signaling the end of the conversation.

I turn to the Tsukasa playing with my hair. He lets go of my hair and holds my hand. "Ne, (Y/N)... before you said that you wanted to stay here regardless of the bet right?" he asks. "Of course! You're my best friend after all!" I chirp.

"Best friends help each other right?" he asks with an innocent look. But I know now that he's far from it. But what else can I say without him getting mad? "Of course." I respond. "And they also forgive each other right?" I don't like where this is going at all. "Well... depending on the situation... like a brutal betrayal would be hard to forgive..."

"It'll be hard, but not impossible... right?" His eyes peer into mine, his hand on mine clenching tighter. "... Th-that's right... but--" "That's good." he cuts me off. He had a very happy look on his face. If I didn't know him, I would've thought it was a sweet smile. But now I can see that it's bittersweet. I need to turn this conversation around. "You know..." I start, "friends also look after each other." he releases my hand to float in the air. "Then, I'll make sure that no one can hurt you." he says it as though it's the obvious choice.

Oh my. Oh my. That... sounded very yandere like. I thought they only lived in manga and anime. From what I know of yanderes, he's gonna kill my friends and family and then lock me up in a windowless basement.

Wait, back it up. I need to think the best of Tsukasa. He deserves the benefit of the doubt right? "No one will hurt you because I'll be watching over you." he says. Welp, there goes that. "As in, you're gonna hurt them before they can hurt me? Or you're gonna protect me?" I ask. "Like a knight in shining armour!" he says, happy. Whew, so as a protector. "That's nice." Despite what I say, I'm slightly disappointed. Is it bad that I kind of wanted him to be a yandere?

Time skip

Sakura's POV

(Y/N) skipped out of the club room, saying bye on her way out. She is very tolerable. I thought for sure that she would leave and never return when she saw all those dead apparitions. It's a good thing she stayed. Now Tsukasa seems much more normal. Well as normal as he gets. Thinking back on their earlier conversation, I was curious about something.

I turn to the floating Tsukasa. He was facing the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. "You said earlier, to (Y/N), that if she were in trouble you'd rescue her like a knight in shining armour. That's not very like you." I confront him.

"Well after all," he drawls, "knights still slay dragons." He finally looks at me. His expression was as scary as it had always been. His eyes completely black and a smile that screamed anything but happiness.

Tsukasa x Reader How We PlayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora