Chapter 25

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They had their first kiss 13 chapters ago. Their relationship needs a fat shove. Also ik i said this before but thank you for the support. I honestly love reading ur comments . They make me laugh so hard. PS this chapter doesn't follow the manga exactly cuz like there's a ton of dialogue


With a huge gust of wind, Mitsuba unleashes his uncontrollable powers of number three.

(Recap over)

Hanako's POV cuz i dont wanna keep doing author pov

Luckily, the kid exorcist got away from Mitsuba in time. He dodged the deadly wispy things pretty well. Thank goodness.

"I-I'm scared... Help me..." Mitsuba says quite pathetically. His powers whip about again. I skillfully use my knife to protect Minamoto.

"Are you okay kid?" I ask. "Y-yeah. LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" he yells at me. I look back and I'm instantly caught in a giant hand which throws me painfully.

"I-I'm sorry" The pink haired boy says with tears running down his face.

"That's okay Mitsuba~" I hear my brother's voice. I look back over to him. He's still clutching onto that girl, (Y/N), as though his life depended on it.

With the most amount of care I've ever seen him use, he sets her down onto the ground. What changed him so drastically? All this fondness coming from my brother makes me scared. This isn't like him.

Just how important is this girl? She did strike me as odd in our rare meetings. But for Tsukasa to be this attached... That puts more fear into me.

How far is he willing to go in order to keep her by his side? He.. hasn't already done things to keep her has he?

I snap out of my thoughts and see Tsukasa stroke her hair once more before getting up. His expression... I've never seen that one before. He looks... almost controlling... no, possessive.

A shiver runs down my spine.

I watch Tsukasa dodge the uncontrollable vine like things with ease. He then grabs them with his bare hands like they're nothing.

"I see you ate it! Good job Mitsuba." he says in a demeaning way. "Wh-what are they?" the crying boy asks.

"Don't worry. These things are here to protect you! Calm down now. How can you protect anything like this?" My brother coos.

Mitsuba finally stops crying. Yashiro edges her way towards (Y/N).

Minamoto bravely points his staff at Tsukasa. "What... did you do to Mitsuba this time?" he asks with anger laced into his words.

"I granted his wish. The price was his mind... in other words, a part of his soul. So when you last saw me... I removed part of Mitsuba's soul- his mind! The rest... is pretty simple! I collected low-level spirits that were fading away and used them to make a spirit body, then I added a piece of Mitsubas soul to it... And all done!" my brother explains way too happily.

He gives us his signature eery look. "The Sousuke Mitsuba who lived and died as a human... doesn't exist in this world anymore."

I give a horrified look. How can Tsukasa do something this wicked? It's true that he oftens does things like this, but this is too much.

Yashiro's POV

I gently run up to (Y/N). She appears to be asleep.

She turns in her sleep, sweat on her forehead. I gently take her head and place it on my lap. If only she didn't try to save me from that hand in the mirror, she wouldn't be in this state. But if she didn't, I'd be in her state right?

"You're such a true friend!" I whisper to her. She seemed to calm down more in my lap. I take her hand into mine. It's warm.

I sneak a peek to the other side of the room, where the four boys are. "I'LL BE A SCHOOL MYSTERY! I'LL BE ANYTHING!!" the pink haired boy declares bravely.

Hanako's twin smiles. It's such a scary smile. It makes him look so much different from Hanako-kun. "Very good. If that's what you want..." he says.

"Then I'll grant your wish. From now on you're school mystery number three!" he says proudly.

"Now you can be whatever you want." Tsukasa says with a happy smile.

"Then... can I be a normal human?" the pink haired boy asks with so much hope in his eyes. "Yup. You can." Hanako's twin answers.

"No! That seat number does not belong to you!" Hanako yells loudly.

From on my lap, (Y/N) stirs. "...Tsukasa..."

She can't possibly want him, can she? Hanako's twin who wrecks havoc everywhere? No way!

"It's okay (Y/N), you're senpai is here!" I cheer.

She stirs even more. "No... no... Tsukasa, help me..." she mumbles.

I look up at Tsukasa. "Mitsuba! Scrunch them!" Tsukasa says much too happily.

He then looks straight at me. Instantly, I feel cold. Just his gaze makes me this scared.

His eyes move down to (Y/N)'s hand in mine. His gaze turns even more menacing. In the blink of an eye, he's standing in front of me.

"Why... is she holding your hand?" he asks. His eyes are a scary black. I can't find my voice.

I look back to Hanako-kun for help, but he's trying to fight with Mitsuba.

"She only does that with me... don't... DON'T TOUCH HER!" he screams at me. I quickly let go of her hand.

"... Tsukasa..." she mumbles once more. Tsukasa looks at her and his whole demeanor changes instantly. He looks at her with so much love. Not quite love... it seems much more complicated than that.

"You see? She wants me." he says proudly. Before I can even react, he steals her from me and sends me a glare. I can't breathe. How can (Y/N) stay with someone so scary?

He holds her so close to himself. "There there." he coos gently to her.

"Mitsuba... Why are you taking so long?" he asks, annoyed.

"Th-that's right... umm... leave this place immediately!" Mitsuba yells.

The hands from before grab at me, causing me to scream. They shove me into a mirror. I take one more look at (Y/N).

A sick feeling overcomes me when I see Tsukasa kissing the top of her unconscious head.

That's the last thing I see before my vision goes dark. 

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