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Ariana's POV
As Britney is flying the ship, I point over to my fathers planet and say "That's it, Michael is definitely there!"
Britney then starts heading towards my fathers planet. I look over at Britney and say "We aren't going to be able to kill my dad, why did we ever think we could do this." Britney looks at me and says "I don't know but all I know is that the battle just got alittle sooner then we planned."
I look out the window and sigh. How are we going to pull this off...
We land on my fathers planet and Britney looks at me and says "Don't be nervous we can do this."
We both exit the ship and I look at Britney and say "You have to hide now!"
I look over and see my father coming closer to me. He then says "Oh Ariana, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here, sorry you had to see your mom and I's little... fight.
I look at him knowing that I have to stick to the plan...
"I'm here because... I want to join you." He looks at me and says "Oh, my daughter finally wants to join me!" He puts his hand on my shoulder and says "I'm so proud of you Ariana."
Britney's POV
I sneak inside Alastair's (Ariana's Dad) house. I look over and see Michael tied up. I unwrap him and say "Michael, Ariana is tricking her dad right now, we need to stick to the plan and tackle him. We can't have Ariana out there alone." Michael then gets up and says "Okay, and thanks for helping me Britney, it's just we haven't seen each other in awhile and getting to know you again is nice." I look at him and smile and I lean in for his lips. I then here him say "Whoa Brit, that's not what I meant!" I look at him and say "Then what did you mean Mike, you lead me on and then you make me look desperate!" He then looks at me and says "Okay, who cares the only thing that matters right now is killing Alastair, now, let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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