Knocked Out...

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Ariana's POV
I look at Michael and Britney and say "Taking down my dad isn't going to be easy so we better start planning."
Michael and Britney both nod. Britney looks at me and says "But, what if we can't take him down?"
I look at Britney and say "Don't worry, we will."
*Later that same day*
Michael, Britney and I all sit at a table. I then say "I came up with a really good plan!"
Michael looks up and says "Tell us!?"
I laugh and say "Okay, Okay I will!" I then begin to say "I will acted bad and tell my dad that I will work with him, I will also tell him that I killed you guys. Then you guys will creep behind him and grab his arms and I will kill him!"
Britney looks at me and says "That's a excellent plan Ari!" Michael nods his head and agrees.
*Later at night*
I wake up from a nightmare. My dad was trying to kill me. I must have been thinking about when my dad was actually trying to kill me!
I get up and I walk over to the couch. I then hear someone behind me.
I turn around and see Michael.
He rubs his eyes and says "Ari, it's two in the morning, what are you doing up?"
I look up at him and say "I had a nightmare."
He sits down next to me and says "Aren't those the worst."
I nod my head and laugh.
Michael then looks at me and says "You know Ariana, your very brave."
I look at him and smile. I then say "Why?"
He then says "You rebelled your evil father and your going to kill him, that's very brave!"
I look up at him and say "Well thanks, I appreciate it." I start playing with my fingers nervously. What people don't know is that I'm very shy, like really shy."
Michael then says "I can tell your nervous."
I look at him and say "What!? Know I'm not!"
He looks at me grinning and says "Really? Your shaking hands say otherwise!"
I look at him and say "Sorry I'm just shy and awkward."
He then laughs and says "It's okay, I am to but do you want to know a secret to fix it?!"
I smile and say "Sure."
He then says "Let all of your worries and cares go away, and don't care about what people think of you, only worry about pleasing yourself."
I smile at him and says "Wow, that's the best advice someone has ever given me, Well, that's the only advice I've ever got."
Michael then looks at me and says "Well I'm glad I gave you some advice, now go to bed, it's late.
Michael's point of view
I look over and see that Ariana has fallen asleep. I pick her up and carry her to her room. After doing so, I'm about to go to bed until I hear a noise. I walk out of my room and look out my space ship window and see some of Alastairs minions.
I run to my room and grab my gun and run outside. But before I know it, I'm knocked out...

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