Getting Along

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Michael's POV
I look at Britney and say "Are you saying all of this because your dad and Ariana's dad are polar opposites? Your dads good and hers is bad. Your dad helps people and her dad kills people."
Britney looks down and back up and says "Well yeah, Michael, she was raised by Alastair, she is obviously just as evil as him!"
I look at Britney and say "Well just because he is evil doesn't mean she is!"
I get up and exit my ship and see Ariana leaning against a wall. I walk up to her and say "Ariana, is everything okay?"
She looks at me and says "No, not really Michael, this girl is telling me I'm evil in front of my face!"
I look at Ariana and say "I'm sorry, she just doesn't understand yet and everyone kinda knows you for being evil."
She looks at me and pouts. Ariana then says "Why can't people just except that I'm different now! How many times do I have to say it! I'm good now!"
I nod and say "Well I know Ariana, I know your good."
A smile then appears on her face. I then say "See, it's so much better being happy, right." She then nods her head and we both smile at each other.
Britney's POV
I watch Ariana and Michael's conversation and think to myself *Maybe I was wrong, Ariana just wants everyone to know she is good now, Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt.*
I then walk out of Michael's ship and walk up to them. Ariana looks at me and looks down. I put my hand on her shoulder and say "It's okay Ariana, I believe you." Michael looks at me and says "You do? Since when?"
I look back at him and say "Since I heard you guys talking. I heard the passion in Ariana's voice, she really wants to let everyone know that she is good."
I look over at Ariana and see her smiling at me. She then hugs me and says in my ear "Thank you, thank you so much Britney!"
I pull out of the hug and look Ariana in the eyes and say "Now, let's take down your father!"

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