We Start Moving

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Ariana's POV
I look over the rock that I'm behind and I see a big space ship land near my crashed one.
I see the ship doors open and someone walked out. He walked over to my crashed ship and started checking it out.
As soon as I was going to bend back down, I made a loud noise on accident. He looked over and started walking my way.
I tried being as quiet as I could but I knew I had to do something.
I got up and pointed a gun at him and he did the same. He looks at me and says "Put the gun down, I'm not going to hurt you." I squint my eyes and say "How should I know that your not going to kill me?" He giggles a little and says "Trust me, just put it down."
The nervous look on his face made me put my gun down because I had a gut feeling that he didn't want to hurt me.
He then points to the crashed ship and says "So. Is that yours?" I look at my crushed ship and say "Yeah, and now I'm stuck here." He looks at me and says "I don't want to leave you here, but I did see the logo on your ship." I look down and say "That is basically the reason why it crashed. I look up at him and I see his eyebrow raised and looking confused. He then says "How So?"
I then say to him "I killed all of my allies on the ship so I could start a new life and be good, and I don't know how to drive a ships so I crashed." He looks at me and says "Well, your lucky you didn't die." I smile a little and say "Can I come with you then because I don't know how to get back home?" He then looks at me and says "Of courses, I don't want to leave you here on this dangerous planet."
He then signals me to follow him. We walk into his ship and I look around for a bit. He then looks back at me and says "What's your name?" I look up at him and say "Ariana, what's your name?" He then says "Caption EO But you can call me Michael." We then smile at each other and then he says "Buckle your seatbelt." I then do what he says and we start moving.

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