Nothing Like Him...

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Ariana's POV
When we are in Michael's space ship, he turns to me and says "There is a girl that we will need to get on are side." I look at him and says "Well, why?" Michael's looks at me and says "She is the most powerful creature on Mars, we will defeat your father if she is with us!" I nod my head and say "Well, how are we going to get her on our side?" Michael puts his head down and shakes it. He then says "I have no clue but we have to."
On are way to Mars, I say to Michael "So, do you know anything about her?" He looks at me and says "All I know is that her name is Britney and she keeps to herself because she is scared of her own powers and she barely uses them." I then say to Michael "So that's why we have to persuade her." He nods his heads to the words I say.
When I look out the window I see that we are getting closer and closer to the plant Mars. I then say still looking out the window "What if she doesn't help us?" I then hear Michael's voice say "I don't know but I hope she says yes." I continue to just look out the  window hoping we will be able to take down my father. I then feel a tear drop go down my cheek. I think of my mother, the mother I looked up to so much. She was only a human and my alien father had to kill her. I was so furious that all I could do was cry.
I started sobbing really loud to the point I heard Michael say "Ariana, it's going to get better with time, I know how it is losing parents." I look up and say "One of your parents are dead to?" Michael then says "Both." I then say "Did they get killed?" He then says "Yes, by your dad."
I put my hand over my mouth and say "Michael... I'm so sorry." He then says "It's not your fault, your nothing like your father." I look at him and say "He sure wanted me to."
Michael then says "You turning good was the best choice you ever made Ariana, please don't go back." I look at him and say "I won't, trust me, I don't want to be anything like him." Michael puts his hand on mine and I get alittle shocked. He then says "Trust me Ariana, your nothing like him, you are such a good person." We both smile at each other. Michael looks back in front of him and says "Well Ariana, welcome to Mars..."

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