Chapter 1

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The dread pirate Valdez...

Well that's what they called him and nobody appreciated the irony more than Leo Valdez himself. There was nothing dread about a pirate captain who sailed a yacht with a pretty mermaid figurehead and who wore a bright red cowboy hat. He was a small man with pixie ears that just poked out of his dark, curly hair and a cheeky face that could only mean trouble.

Leo wasn't always a pirate but a pirate's life suited him just fine. He belonged to the sea alone and could see as much or as little of the world as he wanted. He wasn't tied down to any shore so he was free to search for the secret treasure of Firebeard, his mentor and the former captain, up until the mutany that gained Leo his beloved ship and his motley crew of former student actors and activities directors.

Sure Firebeard yelled something about coming to regret it but Leo wasn't worried. After all how scary can a single man in a tiny, yellow dinghy really be?

"Captain, the bronze waters of Hephes are straight ahead, are we to sail right into them?" first-mate Grace asked. Before Leo could answer Navigator Jackson shouted, 'Firebeard said the clues to his treasure would be found scattered throughout the precious metal waters!' right across the ship. This announcement had the crew slightly stunned as they had no idea of their Captain's plans. "Captain there are simply not enough of us to crew this ship across that many seas, we will need to recruit at least one actual crew before we set sail" Deckmaster Zhang voiced. 'Fair enough. Grace steer us to the nearest navy town; Jackson, as a general rule, keep your mouth shut and Zhang prepare recruitment papers. We're off to find able-bodied sailors with a sense of adventure and a slight knack for mischief!'

*AN: woah already surpassed 500 views! Thanks so much for reading guys <3

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