Steven Richards

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After lunch I decided to go back home instead of office, we have only two months to get all the preparations done for Stell's wedding and it has to be huge, it is my sister we are talking about and I want to give her that dream wedding. Also, there will be a load a media coverage because of Bryan as well as myself 'Super model marrying the rich most eligible bachelor's sister ; I would rather prefer 'one of the richest investors', but you know the tabloids.

Bryan had to head back to work, he promises to join us in the evening,Mitch tags along with Stell and I home to help with the preparations and to my utmost annoyance Susan tags along as well. She keeps talking the entire ride home about god knows what, Mitch gives me a look and then turns up the radio on high volume screaming "Lovely song, Pal" I laugh at him amused knowing he doesn't even know the song.

As soon as we are home all discussions about the wedding begin, we start looking upon the venue and the exact date that would work.
"Stella, what have you thought about your wedding dress. You do know it is going to be a big deal right, the media is going to be all crazy on which designer you are wearing how expensive it is..." Susan trails off all excited, looking at Stell.

"Yes, I have decided on Zainav Fashions." Stell replied with a smile.

"No no no, I think you should wear 'Ryan and Ellora'(R&E), they have good name and reputation almost all celebrities get their dresses from them and they are also very professional and experienced, you cannot just trust some newcomer. You are marrying Bryan Johnson." Susan replied with finality screaming the name 'Bryan Johnson'.

My annoyance was turning more bitter every second, who was she to tell my sister what to do and the way she said marrying Bryan Johnson as if my sister was inferior or something. This woman is literally testing my patience.

"Yes I agree with that Susan, but I have seen Zainav Fashions work at a Fashion event I attended in Paris. The lead designer there, her work is beautiful and that day itself I decided my wedding dress is coming from there." Stell being as polite as ever said to Susan. Stell had that spark of appreciation when she spoke about their work, that made me curious.

So I spoke checking the website of Zainav Fashions "Stell, if you are so impressed by this designer I'll get in touch with them and call them here. Is tomorrow good?"

"No, Steve I am telling you they are new and will make this a publicity stunt, we can't trust just anyone." Susan said with a look of panic mixed with irritation I'm not really sure. I don't understand why she was making such a great deal of this and why she was so hell bent on it. I mean it was just a dress and it was Stell's big day the dress, the designer everything should be of her choice.

"Hey girl, chill its Stella's wedding not a contest." Mitch spoke annoyed with Susan. Yes, 'Pal' is only for the people Mitch likes.

"Steve, she is a designer of a big company.." Stell was saying when Susan interrupted her "Not bigger than R&E Stella..."

Stella continued telling me ignoring Susan "Steve you have to take an appointment to meet with such designers and I'm not even sure I'll get one. I really don't want the already designed dresses. I want a customised one." she had an expression of worry on her face.

"Don't worry Stella, no one can deny an appointment to us." Mitch said pointing at himself and me.

"You don't even have to book an appointment with R&E, I will take care of it all. I assure you Stella" added Susan. Now I was getting really suspicious she just didn't want to accept Stell's choice.

I was done hiding my annoyance and I gave an angry glare to Susan thankfully that shut her up.

The Zainav Fashions website that I was looking through was  beautifully created. I checked through the details of the designers looking for their lead designer that Stell was interested in. It showed that their lead designer was the sole owner of the company but there was no name or other details just a label name under Zainav Fashions that read AAZO, what can that even mean. I looked through some of the designs they were indeed beautiful, I mean yes, I didn't know much about women fashion and all but when you see something this beautiful you know its exceptional.

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