Stellary Richards

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I woke up to a very loud song, I didn't even recognize what song was this, definitely not my ringtone. God, why is this song so loud and why won't it stop. I don't even set an alarm.

I wake up super annoyed and throw the blaring phone from the side table.
Didn't I mention I never set an alarm!! Not a morning person. I check my surroundings and realize I am in Steve's room. Oh damn, that was Steve's phone. I'm so dead. Luckily he is nowhere around. Unluckily I see him coming in the room.

"I heard some banging noise are you okay." Steve says hastily. I am okay but I don't know for how long, I mutter mentally. However I can't show that I'm scared of him. You are older than him Stellary remember that and you're not scared, I say to myself. Who am I kidding, his phone is like his second baby, afterall it does all his work. Are you wondering who is the first one, no its not me its his car ofcourse.

"You freaking heard your phone crashing the ground but not the song blasting from your phone so loud." I shout at him. His expression goes from concern to shock to irritation to anger in matter of seconds. His eyes quickly go to his phone which was on the side table and then down on the marble ground where his phone lay. I must specify his stupid phone missed the carpet by just a few centimeters. I wish it fell on the carpet, damn.

He runs to check his phone after giving me a look saying you are so dead if there is even one crack on the phone. He picks the stupid thing, yes thats what it is, it has got me in trouble especially when we just fought last night and also Bryan is going to be there for lunch today. Its going to be a disaster.

He tries to switch it on and I see it light up from the bed, that means the display is fine right. He walks towards me with a glare and asks "How did it reach down there on the ground, don't tell me it fell it would not have gone that far then!" Damn I was so planning on saying that, why does he have to be so smart.

"It won't stop screaming what was I supposed to do?" Wow real smart answer Stellary when an alarm rings you turn it off not throw it on the ground. Steve just glares at me really annoyed.

"Why do you even set an alarm when you're already awake and don't intend on waking up to it!!?" Now that is a good question right?

"I woke up early today so decided to workout I forgot to turn it off." he replied.

"See its your fault then, you forgot to turn it off." I say with finality.

"Thats all you got to justify this, seriously Stell." He glares at me again.

"Oh come on, your phones fine why are you angry now." I whine

"Its working but the screen is damaged, good I have a tough cover."

I see his phone and there is just a small crack. "Screen is damaged" I mock him.

"My phone screen has more cracks than yours but its still not qualified as damaged." I roll my eyes at him.

"Why are you using such wrecked phone, I'll ask James to order two phones which model do you want?"
He was already dialling James I took it from his hand and ended the call.

"No you don't need a new phone nor do I just get the screen repaired. As for my phone it keeps falling you know how clumsy I am." I again roll my eyes and see his wallpaper is a picture of me and him taken when we both went to Paris a few months ago. I feel guilty because mine is with Bri when he proposed to me yesterday. It is a perfect click. He is on his knees with a ring in his hand and I look as beautiful as ever (Well this is what Bri said) covering my mouth with my hands in shock eyes bit teary. I look at both the wallpapers and even Steve realises what I'm thinking and I know we have to talk and sort things out, I also have to tell him about lunch with Bryan. Damn, today is going to be a long day.

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