Steven Richards

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I take a long warm shower thinking about Stell, her marriage that I am still trying to wrap my head around. I think about all the times she says how she loves him and how she could do anything just to see him happy. I don't understand how an emotion can be that strong. My mind suddenly drifts to that night I met her, she looked sad, very sad and I was willing to do anything to make her happy, what would that mean then. Stop it Steven its rubbish, you don't even know her. I sigh and turn the shower off. Wrapping a towel around my waist I come out of the bathroom towards my closet and see Stellary there."

"What are you doing in my closet, stealing my T-shirts again?" I ask her teasingly.

"I don't need your T-shirts you dumbass, I have Bryan's" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Yeah right, what are you doing then?" I question again.

"Sorting your closet out. Its such a mess. How do you even find stuff in here." She says sorting out all my ties and separating it according to its colour.

"Why don't you let Margaret clean the room and take care of this as well?" She asks curiously.

"Because I like it when you do it for me." I shrug.

She only stares at me not knowing what to say.

"Since you have already invaded my closet remove my clothes for me."

She rolls her eyes and picks a white shirt with dark grey suit and starts looking for a suitable tie. I go to the room and dress up when I see Stellary coming out with a weird expression on her face. I look at her confused asking 'What'

She holds up a scarf with the hanger as if disgusted to touch it and moves the hanger in my face "When did you bring a girl in here, you promised none of your one night stands would be here, did you sneak her in or do you have a fetish of stealing their things after doing it." She says all of this so fast but the last thing makes me laugh at her so hard.

"Stell, you're crazy, no I did not bring any girl in here. I would never break a promise I made to you. Also, no I do not have a stealing fetish or any other such weird fetishes." I roll my eyes at her weird imagination.

That's when realisation hits her and there is a light of excitement in her eyes "Its her's, isn't it? Oh my god, why didn't you show this to me earlier?"

She was excited like a little kid, but I understand why, I have never talked about any other girl to her, forget talking I have never even mentioned anyone in that sense. I have never been interested in anyone, rather interested to know more about any girl that much. Its like she's totally drawn me to her, she has made me so curious about her, so intrigued. I don't know what to do with myself.

Stell notices the lost expression on my face and continues with a hint of sadness "You haven't found her yet, right?"

I nod trying to shake away the sadness. "Are you still trying?" She asks wanting to know more.

"I have put Kyle onto this. He is looking all over Paris, but we don't have anything, not even her name. I only know that she was working that weekend because she was wearing work clothes. Kyle is looking up for all the people who have their name similar to Ari because thats the only name she kept saying. I don't even know if that is her real name or it is someone's who is close to her. She kept saying 'I want to be like Ari'."

I sigh frustrated. I had looked through thousands of profiles but nothing even close to hers. Now I doubt if she even stays in Paris, but she was wearing business clothes and I don't know I was sure she came to that bar after a long day at work. Then there is also a point that she didn't look French nor American for that matter even her accent I could not point out. Maybe she was there in Paris on a business trip. Yes, that could be the reason she was working on a weekend. I still didn't know where to look.

Where life takes you...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora