Getting Constructive

Start from the beginning

Soon enough, they neared the café and Nova was still lightly patting Lunar's ring with great interest, Lunar decided to play with her a little and lightly hit her with his ear, feeling her quickly turn around and look for whatever hit her, then he decided to play with the brightness of his rings, hearing her quietly gasp as they turned up, becoming a brighter glow of yellow, then turn them back down again. They all walked into the café and Crystal ordered for them, then they found a table and waited, Crystal rest her head on Lunar's shoulder and Nova leaned over and pawed at her cap, giggling as she felt the cool texture.

They eventually got their order of drinks and a few berries each and got into a conversation, talking about this and that. Lunar was half in the conversation, half not. Nova jumped from his head and landed in his lap, looking up at him with a grin, Lunar smiled and picked her up, holding her in his arms and stroking her pelt, watching her yawn and curl up and soon fell asleep. "What about you, Lunar?" Hypro asked,
"A job, are you gonna get a job?" She reiterated,
"Oh, yeah I am actually," He said with a smile,
"Oh? What is it?" Crystal asked,
"A rescuer," He said, continuing to stroke Nova's pelt, Crystal smiled at the two of them then they went back to their conversation and Lunar tuned them out once more, thinking about things and stroking the sleepy vee, scratching below her ear and hearing her purring softly.

"What're we doing after this?" He asked, the rest of them shrugged, leaving one of them to think of a day plan. Lunar thought for a moment, getting a good idea and deciding to share it, "How about: we go into the forest, find a suitable area and build a den?" He suggested, Crystal liked the idea, and nodded, same went for the other two.

So, after they'd finished their drinks and berries at the café, they paid and left. Lunar had the small Eevee sleeping on his back and walked next to Crystal, as they ventured back into the forest, in search of a clearing to claim as their own. They walked for a while before Hypro suddenly spoke up, "Ooh! I know a good spot!" She said, taking a left and leading them down the path. Lunar recognised the area from when they played hide and seek, Hypro lead them out of the trees and into a nice clearing, with a river cutting through it, creating a nice verdant and secluded area.

Lunar started them off by making some markings in the soft ground, creating a large rectangle for them to build the house to. They divided up the roles between the four of them, Lunar and Jinx got the hardest parts, Jinx was to collect wood for the walls and Lunar was to put up the walls. In the meantime, he went to find four logs for the corners, whilst Nova slept by the lake, with Crystal watching her and Hypro went to do... something.

30 minutes later, Jinx and Lunar came back with a log, carrying it together and sharing it's weight, they put it down and Jinx used her feelers to stand it up, and ram it into the ground, Crystal pitched in and shot ice around the base to keep it in place for the meantime whilst Jinx and Lunar went to get three more logs, repeating the process before they took a short break and went to find four more, connecting all the poles together around the top. Crystal secured all of them with ice in the corners and looked at the wooden skeleton of the building as she stroked Nova's pelt.

As Jinx and Lunar walked through the thick environment, Lunar felt... uncomfortable, he didn't know why. Jinx noticed his change in behaviour and asked if he was okay, his head cocked straight towards her and he answered quickly, "I-I'm fine, yeah..." He said, before turning away and keeping his eyes on the surroundings, everything about this felt off but he couldn't figure out why. They found a cluster of small trees, the perfect thickness for their plan and began to harvest them, the tall masses of wood falling to the ground with soft thuds, one by one. They cut them to a reasonable length and tied them together, then secured them with some makeshift rope around the wood, then their stomachs, securing it to their backs as they began to walk back. Their visibility faded as mist set in, dampening their view to a few feet in front of them as the fog became stronger. The forest was strangely quiet, it unnerved him as they walked down the path. The fog quickly became thicker and they lost their sense of direction.

Lunar heard a rustle to his right and he looked that way, seeing nothing there bar bushes and a thick white mist creating a lucid dream-like feel. Lunar looked around at the surroundings, seeing everything a dark grey and parts of trees that stuck out as Jinx groaned, becoming sick of walking with their heavy payload of wood. Lunar knew that they were lost, there was no way it took them this long to get here, and they'd taken too many turns.

He heard another rustle and his fur began to stand on end and he became more alert, sending something was going to happen, but he didn't know what.

An hour later, they were still lost in the thick fog, as the sky became darker from both time and the dark cumulonimbus clouds setting in, soon throwing an assault of water, backed up with lightning strikes, sending powerful bolts of electricity their way. The quick change in weather and the current situation they were caught in brought the mood even lower. They were tired, wet, cold and bored, they ended up deciding it would just be a good idea to stop and rest. Where? Good question. They slowly walked to the left, seeing some bushes and trees soon come into viewing range and they found refuge underneath the dense branches of the grand tree, unfortunately, still getting soaked from the rain as the wind fought alongside the natural attack, directing the bullets of water towards them. Apparently, someone had decided that the rain wasn't as effective as they hoped in destroying their upbeat mood, firing rounds upon rounds of hail stones their way as the storm raged on, the icy shards stinging them as they impacted their quivering bodies. Lunar groaned out loud as he became frustrated, being stuck outside with nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to eat, freezing cold and lost wasn't what he'd hoped for. He looked over to Jinx and saw she wasn't in the best of moods anymore, she sat there quietly, being pelted with rain and hail as she pawed at her feelers.

Lunar heard something close to them and he looked in the direction of the noise, seeing a faint, red glow. He blinked, and it was gone, easy as that. He shrugged it off but not completely, deciding to attempt to sleep through the heavy attack as lightning struck the ground not far from them, creating short flashes and illuminating the darkening surroundings, followed with a deafening crackle, adding to the choir of thunder in the background.

Lunar grumbled and lay down, still feeling the rain and hail hitting him as he shut his eyes, he turned up his rings so that Jinx could still see and he shut his eyes, folding his ears against his head in the hopes to shut out the bad atmosphere, thinking about Crystal and hoping she was okay.


Hai :3

So, am I back? Hopefully.
I know I promise so much and never ever deliver, but school is ending in a few weeks, so then I will have more time to write, animate, manage and live my fucking life!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I struggled with planning this one, but I've given myself lots and lots of lines to go from in this one to continue the story after.


Date Published: 5th July 2020
Final Word Count: 2340
Time taken to write: what? 2 months?

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