8 • Checks

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8 • Checks

I was feeling much better that night.

After the initial shock and revelation, I'd begun planning what I was about to do for later, which made me feel improved, somehow.

I brought my food up to my room with a tray, and Georgie chatted with me about how Axel attempted to blackmail her.

Check One: I was right about what I heard hours ago -- which was still very unbelievable for me.

Check Two: I was positive that Gabriel could read minds. He didn't tell me, but every part of me agreed that he could. He looked like a guy who knew everything, which led me to embarrassment, since I always thought of him and his brothers as incredibly good-looking. Aughh. That was completely and utterly mortifying to know, thanks.

Anyway, no other checks on my list were accomplished yet, since I still had to see and know for myself the other things that I was suspicious about.

So I slept for a little while, heard my alarm ring at two in the morning, and quickly hit it before anyone could hear it. I knew that no one would actually hear my clock but I just wanted to be sure. I was already wearing a thick black jacket and a black, long-sleeved turtleneck sweater, thick gloves, earmuffs, dark jeans, and black boots. I also felt stronger and believed that it had to do with me having "supernatural powers."

First thing that I was going to put on my list was Georgie. She was always gone whenever I entered her room to look for her at six in the morning. I was sure that she was not just lurking inside the house. Since I thought I had supernatural powers, which I was a little bit sure of since I was still freaked out about all this, I concentrated and closed my eyes -- if that could possibly do the trick -- and listened for things around the house. I heard nothing. I tried again and again and again, but I just got so frustrated that I wanted to stomp my foot and scream like a petulant child.

Then something came up.

I focused really hard, and I could hear the door click shut and footsteps padding on the floor, crossing the hallway, then down the stairs. The door was shut as the person reached what seemed to be the grand foyer and out of the mansion.


This was it! I silently opened my door, closed it the way I opened it, and crossed the corridor, trying hard to be like a prowling lion on a hunting trip. I crossed two more hallways and finally reached the corridor where the Van Allens' rooms were, then I turned right and was at the top of the marble staircase. I descended down cautiously as I opened the main door that led outside.

The wind was blowing mightily and the snow blew to different directions. I was afraid to get out for a moment but I had to know the truth. Would Georgie tell me what she really was and what she was doing every two in the morning, if I asked her? No. So I had to do this.

Nothing would be revealed if I didn't find out for myself. This wasn't like answers being spread on a silver salver that you could just look at and grab. No, this was reality.

I could hear the wind whispering, and I looked at every direction in the forest. The loud but steady rhythm of the river fenny soothed me in a steady rhythm. I walked on slowly. I was cautious when I was about to head down the stairs of the front porch. The woods would creak, so I was walked on the tip of my toes, carefully heading down. Thank God, it didn't creak! I gave a little relieved smile.

I stopped in the middle of my tracks when I saw Georgie. I wasn't sure if it was her or something, but as I saw long, flaxen tresses gushing from the wind, I knew that it was her.

She didn't seem to notice me, and there was practically no light. I was disguised in the night and only the snowy ground was visible. She was far away, but I could see her clearly.

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