2. The Strange Dream

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"Lord Yong, you have been summoned by the Queen," the guard informed. Yong nodded, before leaving to the queen's chamber.

When Lord Yong entered the queen's quarter he found Queen Iseul in a rather cheerful mood. She slowly lifted her face and approached Yong.

"Lord Yong, I had an odd dream the previous night, and I'm unable to decode the message behind it. I saw myself shivering in fear as a black shadow was chasing me, then in the blink of an eye it entered my belly. Is it an indication that I'll soon be with a baby?" asked the Queen.

She grinned from ear-to-ear, hoping this was a sign that she could finally be pregnant.

Yong's gaze wavered at the mention of a dark shadow, but he remained silent. Being in a state of poise for some time, he finally uttered, "My Lady, let's not rush to any conclusion before getting a proper check-up."

Lord Yong checked the Queen's condition and sadly revealed that she was not bearing a child. The Queen's face fell, while everyone else in the room exchanged uneasy looks.

The entire kingdom speculated on the queen's ability to provide an heir for the throne.

In a gloomy mood, Queen Isuel watched the sunset from her balcony as the cold breeze teased the thin strands of her shoulder-length hair. She had the deepest green eyes with a touch of hazel in them. Her smile was so radiant that it could melt your heart, and when she flashed her pearly white teeth, she would light up an entire room. Her voice was soft as a feather and every bit as beautiful as her glamour. Her blue dress tight enough to show her flawless figure. She was possibly the most beautiful lady in the country.

The thought of not having any heir was a matter of distress for both the King and Queen.

Noam has always been in the eyes of enemies. Several have even tried to conquer Noam but all in vain. But this time, the problem was complex. Along with the Queen none of the other consorts gave birth to any child.


The first few chapters are kinda short but they double in length after a while. 

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