Chapter 15

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Hey everyone! I'm hoping to squeeze in a few more chapters in before Christmas! Vote and comment! xx

"Pen, please open up!" I heard Lukes voice for the millionth time repeating the same sentence over and over again. I gave in. I let him but I fell onto my bed, Luke catching me as I fell. I really wasn't in the mood. I began to shake, uncontrollably. Shit I'm having an anxiety attack. I haven't dealt with one in ages.

"Pen, why are you shaking? Please stop shaking!" He said while becoming scared.

"I -- I just need my phone." I stuttered out from all the tears. He quickly handed it to me. I plugged some relaxing music in. It was a special playlist I had all the time in case things like this happened. The other day I was going to delete it. Thank god I didn't. It was filled with Lana Del Rey and Nirvana. I had a few hitches in my breath, but soon enough they stopped. I was still a little shaky but I calmed myself down enough.

"What just happened Pen? I've never seen someone have this happen to them."

"Just a little anxiety attack."  I smiled back hiding the disappointed frown.

"Little? you made me panic," He said as he held me close to him.       

"Don't even worry about before, I over reacted," He looked at me.

"I probably did too, just it made me so angry what Mikey did," I stared into his hazel eyes.

"Its all over now and you're ok now right?" He said as he held me tighter. I dug my head into his shoulder, where I gave him little neck kisses. The door opened and I pulled away. Mikey came in and sat with us, he felt really bad and gave me a massive hug. Maybe while he's here he'll become close with Luke and the others. He then left the room leaving the door slightly open, like come on.

"So we still on for tonight pen?" Luke said in his musky.

"Of course! Nothing will stop me!" I said as pecked his forehead, hoping that I won't relapse and have another attack. We do all these 'couple things.' I kiss his neck, lips and head and hes given me head! I just want to be with him, I crave it so deeply.

"We'll I should be going, to get ready for tonight." He stood up and hugged me tightly.

"I'll meet you at your house!  At 5." He nodded and off he left.

"Now what to wear?" I said to myself whilst looking through my closet. I settled on a pair of skinny dark blue jeans, a boob tube with a white coat and white converse. I chucked my hair up in a high pony with a dramatic smokey eye. I got my phone and wallet together and made my to their house. I didn't know where Mikey was so I just left for the brooks. I knocked twice and waited for the door to open. I waited a few more seconds to be greeted my Mikey.

"Mikey, why are you here?" I said confused.

"Luke invited me over, so we have been playing fifa." He said happily.

"Are you going to let me in? I'm freezing my ass off!" I said while shaking from the cold.

I pushed past him and saw Luke. He was all rugged up, he looked like a little marshmallow. I gave him a massive hug.  He picked me up and held me for a little. I turned my head so I was directly looking at him.

"Where are we going Luke?" I said while messing up his hair.

"That's for you to find out!" Leaving me upset not knowing. I'm one who likes to know what the go is.

"Now Pen, are you for sure you want to go out after your attack?" He said concerned.

"Yes Luke, this should take my mind off it. But if I don't feel good, I'll tell you." I smiled to him.

"Ok, make sure you tell me," He said, we then headed off to wherever he was taking me.

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