Chapter 2

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Well at least i thought he was tall, myself being quite small.

"Hi Beau" my Aunt said happily.

"This is my neice, Aspen"

He gave me a warm hello, then i waved back shyly. He let us in, following him to the little kitchen. Where a middle aged women, guessing was Gina, was relaxing sipping on a sweet coffee. She gulped her coffee and got up and hugged Vera. She then made her way over to me. Kissing my cheek and embracing me in a warm hug. I then heard a loud shout filled with anger.


Gina not so impressed, but Beau laughing out loud.

"Thats my brothers Jai and Luke, i suppose i should introduce you."

He smiled widely and i followed him into a bedroom. I was met with two very similar faces. I thought i was on pingaz for a moment.

"That one with the curly hair is Luke, and the one with the beanie is Jai, boys you heard Vera talk about Aspen here before?"
They nodded as they were focused on their fifa game.

"I hope she was saying good things, letting out a slight giggle."

"So what brings you to this little place outside of Melbourne?" Jai asked,
breaking the awkward silence.
I thought for a moment, if i should tell them about the modelling course. I decided to leave it until they specifically asked, if they wanted too.

"Oh im here for a course, and just miss my Aunt too."

Suprisingly it wasn't as awkward as we thought. We were talking and laughing our heads off. I was really glad, that i was getting along with them. I had a hard time in school with countless amount of bullying, which led to insecurites and other complex things. I hate talking about it to others, i feel attention seeking. But these boys make me feel comfortable and nice.

Hey guys! So this is the first time writing a proper fanfiction! I have read so many amazing ones, so its persuaded me to start. Im very excited for this series and hope everyone enjoys. Please leave feedback and a vote if you like!

Why I crossed the road (A Luke Brooks Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now