Chapter 11

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Already busy and got really bad writers block! Enjoy! x

We had just wrapped up daresundays, it was so hilarious. Basically it was a bunch of random challenges in one. So like who can eat the meat pie the fastest and so on. They make you want to puke whilst laughing your ass off. I stared at Luke the entire time. So much love and joy was rushing through my veins. Words cannot describe what I feel around him. My mind switched to another thing. I have my second course tomorrow, for modelling. I need to pick out what I'm wearing. The people who run the course told me to always dress fancy. In case of photos shoots or runways. I started to head up to my room until I felt two arms snake around my waist.

"Where are you going Pen?" His hot breath trickled down my neck. I spun around, with our faces touching.

"I need to find what I'm wearing tomorrow, for the course." I said to him, feeling his hot breath again.

"Come and help me pick!" I said full of enthusiasm. I took his hand and ran into my room. No no, where not going there just yet. We're just picking out clothes. I reassured myself in my mind. I looked out the window and the boys were still packing up all the equipment. They will probably come up soon so I have little alone time with Luke.

"I'll go in the bathroom and try this on, please help me pick one." He sat on my bed and played on his phone until I was ready. The first one I tried on was a 2 piece black floral lace set. It was a plain black bustier with floral lace. The skirt was exactly same. It reached my knees and sat just above my belly button. I opened the door from my walk in robe and stood up.

"Luke?" He was playing on his phone. He looked up with a smirk on his face.

"We'll?" I questioned.

"It looks really good on you, It suits your body and the colour looks amazing on you!" I blushed. There are others too.

"No, I like that one, I can help next time with other outfits. Maybe I can put one together?" He slowly sat up and looked into my eyes.  I moved closer to him where he stood up. I had no heels on so I was tiny compared to him. My head rested just below his shoulders. He looked down to me as I looked down. He picked me head up with his pinky finger and leaned in. Thats when I heard my bedroom door open.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath. We quickly detached and saw Beau.

"Sorry guys, don't want to interrupt you making babies now." He joked.

"You guys can come in. I'm actually trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow. But I decided this." I looked down at my outfit. They all piled in and nodded.

"So that's settled, I can relax now." I got changed into something more comfortable. I put on my dad's oversized nirvana tour shirt, which I loved dearly. and some workout pants for lounging. I opened the door from my wardrobe and they boys had worked out how to the use the TV.

"ASPEN!, did you know your TV has a camera?" James yelled at me.

"No, what??" I looked and there we were, It was awesome. we put it on self timer and pulled some funny faces. The last was special. The boys were doing some weird pose. Luke looked at me and pulled me in close and kissed me hard. When we reviewed the photos, the boys 'oooed' and 'ahhhed." Luke ending up posting the photo, some of the comments posted on it were really lovely. And others were super harsh. I shrugged it off this time, and tried to forget about it.

"ASPENNNN!" Jai yelled, making me flinch.

"I love your shirt!" He looked very closely at it and started having a conversation to me about the band. Turns out we are both very big passionate fans of them.

"I'll be borrowing it sometime, so if it goes missing you know where it is!" He said seriously to me.

"You'll have to battle me for it!" I exclaimed.  A few hours had now passed ad they boys had returned home. Today was a day full of love and laughter. I don't know when I'll be seeing them next. I want to plan a movie day with Luke where we just watch movies and eat shit all day. I know he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, which is confusing since we kiss all the time. I guess I'll to wait and see what happens.

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