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You hear voices.

Two of them speaking but you don't understand what they're talking about because you keep going in and out of your consciousness. You just know you were being taken somewhere. One of them is carrying you on his shoulder and all you could see is the ground but your visions is hazy. Your whole body felt limp. You couldn't do anything.

The man placed you on a flat and hard surface like some kind of table but it was cold against your skin. So cold. The coldness creeps to every inch of your bare skin. Without any strength left in your body, your head lolled to one side and you could see hooded figures, forming a circle around you. They wore white masks with weirdly shaped, pointed noses. What is happening? Where exactly are you?

Oh right, I'm in Hell.

You remembered that part but you don't recall how you got yourself in this situation. Fuck, this is like one of those cult shit. Are they going to sacrifice you to Satan? But you are no longer a virgin. You tried telling them but your mouth wouldn't move.

What kind of strong shit am I onto?

"My brethrens, before you is the flesh and blood of the God I formerly served, the God who abandoned me, born from the Virgin Mary amd comceived by the Holy Spirit." A deep voice rumbled over your head. You couldn't turn your head anywhere but you could move your eyes to some extent, allowing you to stare upon the face of the Devil. "Tonight we shall perform the Ascension ritual. Tonight, we spill the blood of a virgin and open the true gates of Gehenna!!"

"All Hail Satan!!" The men in black hoods repeatedly chanted in chorus as the Devil's laugh boomed over their voices.

This is bad. Really bad. You're going to get killed. You were panicking inside your head but, on the outside, you looked like an overcooked broccoli. Jungkook better tell his Dad that you had sex twice so they won't stab you and watch you bleed to death.

"Azazel, come forward and fulfill the prophecy." Satan spoke and the hooded dudes parted at once like the Red Sea in Moses' story in the Bible.

They made way for another dude in a cloak. The only difference is that his mask isn't purely white, it resembled a masquerade mask. This guy approached someone who was carrying a rectangular box that looked very familiar. That box that you threw out of the window that one time but you weren't sure if it was the same one.

The other guy opened it and a snake slowly began to rise from it before being tamed by the new guy. He placed his hand over its head and said something like a chant in Latin. Then the snake stopped moving at once and turned to steel, a dagger with a very sharp end. The guy grabbed the dagger's hilt and approached you. You were losing your shit at the moment, trying to find a way to move your limbs and escape— if that was even possible. In the middle of attempting to make your toe move, you sight of someone among the hooded figures.

He stood at your feet and wore a red cloak but he did not pull the hood over his head. You can see his face. This one looked more like a human than a demon. If it weren't his two horns that sprung, You wouldn't have known he was one of them.

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HELLBORN | j. jk Where stories live. Discover now