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Jungkook didn't come back as he promised.
It's been two months and there's no news of him at all. Not even a text yet you don't worry.

He's just like that. He just disappears and reappears. You're not disappointed but you miss him. You miss cuddling to his warm skin especially during cold nights. Jungkook never gets cold but he does get hotter. He's like your own personal heater with the flames and all. Perks of having Satan's son as a boyfriend.

He never calls his own father, Dad. Jungkook refers to him just as other people call him, Satan. Lately, he's been busy running errands for him. You understand that and so, whenever he's gone, you continue on your daily life. You go to work, hang out with friends, go home, sleep and repeat.

"Bye, Y/N. See you tomorrow." You waved goodbye to your workmate as you separate ways at the subway. You put your earphones on and stood behind the yellow line, waiting for the train.

You get into the train and failed to secure a seat so you stood next to the door, holding onto a bar. Everything seemed normal at first until you look out the window and see Jungkook jumping off a building.

"What the fuck. Jungkook?" Other passengers stared at you when you acted out.

He doesn't notice you. How would he notice you? You're in a train with other passengers, just a face in the crowd. He is a demon but you bet he's anywhere near telepathic. You don't know much about him as a demon. All you know is that he has those blue flames and that he's not the same as ordinary people.

You only saw him for a split second and then he was gone again. You thought he was running errands down there not here. Out of nowhere, you wondered if he'd answer if you called him. He might or might not. He looked kinda busy. So you decided not to.

It started raining as you entered your home, turning the lights on at once and dropping your bag on the table. You noticed that Mr. Kinkle hardly touched his food. The whole house was quiet so you start looking for your pet. You took his pet bowl and searched for him, calling for him. He wasn't responding, not even a squeak. You began to worry that he might have snucked outside. You head for the door but stopped, dropping the bowl and spilling its contents on the floor. Mr. Kinkle laid under the curtains, his favorite place, still.

You touched him. He was cold and stiff already. You began to tear up while you run your fingers along his white fur. "Oh, Mr. Kinkle.."

In a shoe box, you wrapped him in a blanket and laid him to rest. The poor thing. He suffered alone. You didn't want to drag his suffering on and decided to bury him in the backyard. Grabbing a shovel, you take him to the backyard in your raincoat and boots. Digging wasn't that hard since the dirt was soft from the rain but you weren't experienced in digging a grave so it wasn't easy too. Your nose was runny and your tears haven't stopped. The rain isn't helping at all as it keeps flooding water into the hole you were digging.

Thunder struck and lightning followed, a shadow appeared before you and you look up to see a face of your visitor, an arm covering your head so the rain won't come at your face. Jungkook looked down at you, kneeling on the mud in your raincoat, and then at the box beside you, Mr. Kinkle, labelled across it in your handwriting with a single common flower from the neighbor's yard.

"Jungkook." You stood up and hugged him right away, mourning. The hood of your raincoat being pushed down as you place your arms around his shoulders and settle your forehead against his. "Jungkook.. Mr. Kinkle. H-He died."

Losing a loved one is hard. He might be a pet but he was part of your family. Jungkook wrapped one arm around your back as you sobbed."Baby, you have to understand that nothing is permanent in this world."

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