The village of death

Start from the beginning

Qrow:So that's why you're out here.

We all nod.Then I remembered something the girl we found.


(Y/n):Oh shit!I forgot about twinkle toes!

Qrow:My god...

(Y/n):What's up Uncle Q?

Qrow:She's Weiss Schnee!

(Y/n):You've got to be kidding me!

Qrow:And she's a vampire!

I froze after hearing that.(no pun intended)

(Y/n):D-did you j-just say v-vampire?

Qrow:Yeah why?

I let out tears of joy.

(Y/n)*crying*:Oh my god...She's like me.

I cried in her shoulder hoping she would bite me.

Yang Pov

I let out tears of joy for (Y/n) and our new friend.

Qrow:Ok..I'm lost...

I explained to Uncle Qrow that (Y/n) is a ice demon.

Qrow:Can he prove it?

(Y/n) stopped hugging Weiss,and took off his shirt to show his mark on his chest.

(Y/n) stopped hugging Weiss,and took off his shirt to show his mark on his chest

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(Y/n):Is this enough proof?

Uncle Qrow backs off in shock.

Qrow:This is a lot to take in.

Ruby:Yeah but you'll get used to it.


(Y/n) with his shirt off walked over to Weiss.

(Y/n) Pov

I walk over to Wiess.I put my shoulder under her nose hoping she would smell my flesh,and bite me.Sure enough she did.

(Y/n):Damn that hurts!

She backs off from me in fear.

Weiss:I'm sorry...

(Y/n):No no no!Your fine.

Weiss:Your ok with me biting you?


I say it smiling.


I point at my mark on my chest.To show her I'm an abused outcast like her.

Weiss:What are you?

(Y/n):An ice demon.

She smiles and hugs me.Crying tears of joy.

Weiss:I'm not alone.Thank you...

(Y/n):It's no problem.I would've been crushed knowing that someone like me died in front of me.

After we got the formalities out of the way,we went deeper into the village/town.Uncle Qrow went into the nearest bar to get a drink and possibly information about this place.I also reminded him to not get drunk for our sakes.

Qrow Pov

I went inside for...yeah a few drinks.I asked why is there so many people that kill each other here.A few ignored me and I let it slide.Then I asked the bartender that same question.

Bartender:In this town we're all outcasts and murder is cool here.


Bartender:Many different reasons being a werewolf,vampire,demon,ect.Also in this village it's kill or be killed.

Qrow:I see...well thanks for the drinks.

Bartender:No problem.

I walk towards the exit to see my nephew murdering people.

Qrow:(Y/n) what the hell...

(Y/n):I'm still pissed at your team,and these three looked just like them.

It pissed me off that he cut me off,but I couldn't argue with someone who could kill me in a split second.

(Y/n) Pov

We exited the bar,and I proved to this town...I'm Alpha.After an hour of killing.Uncle Qrow got a call from...them.

Qrow*pissed*:What do you want?

I could hear Summer over the phone.

Summer:Qrow!I was a terrible mother please bring my babies home!

I grabbed the scroll from Qrow.

(Y/n):Babies?BULL SHIT!!You treated me like shit and now you want to baby me.FUCK YOU!

Summer:(Y/n) I...

(Y/n)*Demonic voice*:FUCKING SAVE IT!!!

I heard her over the phone crying.I got sick and hung up.

Weiss:I would have done the same.

Qrow:Why don't you give her a chance?


Qrow:What does four have to do with anything?

(Y/n):That's how many years I have been abused.I'm not having it anymore.

Ruby:(Y/n) look out!

My ears perked up and I turned around to see someone in a bunnie mask.

Ruby pushed me out of the way and she got pearced with the rabbit's whatever the hell that thing is attached to her back

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Ruby pushed me out of the way and she got pearced with the rabbit's whatever the hell that thing is attached to her back.

Ruby pushed me out of the way and she got pearced with the rabbit's whatever the hell that thing is attached to her back

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(Y/n):RUBY NO!!!!

Her lifeless body fell and I snapped again.

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