EXTRA CONTENT (Author's Note)

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     Before we start this I want to add that I will be doing a few changes to your companion. In the end I wanted to add an OC but since I'm not original I used the default character I have. 

     Also to make this clear your powers haven't been chosen and the whole mention of powers will not come out often until I finalize the storyline. For now just go along with it and read your sheet to understand it better.


Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Age: 17

Hair: (hair length) (H/c)

Eyes: (E/c)

Family: Biological (dead), Yuuki/Erin (family friends)

Powers: Spiritual senses

- considered a vessel for spirts to control or to be summoned

-you specialize in long distant combat or support/defense

- You have bad eyesight but it enhances all your other sense, especially hearing

Extra facts:

- (Whatever you may like or dislike)

- have known Erin since childhood and was close to his family

- had a strong bond to spiritual beings compared to humans

- you have a hard time waking up in the morning


Name: Erin (unknown biological name)

Age: 17

Hair: Short black hair

Eyes: purple

Family: Biological parents (unknown), Yuuki (younger brother), Reader (family friend)

Powers: Demon Control

- allows him to have enhanced strength and athletic

-weapon of choice is a scythe and specializes in close combat/attack

Extra Facts:

- has a hidden secret (will explain later in the book)

- a very close bond with the reader (will also be explained later)

- likes: the reader, anime, the quite, fighting/sports, supernatural

- hates: the "new" kids, secrets


- you both wear masks to ensure no one knows who you are, because people can see you

- there will be a few canon supernatural beings mentioned for the sake of the book

- when you have 'clients' Erin has the ability to erase one's memories with just a look

- more information about your world will be explained in one of the upcoming chapters

OTHER OC (minor character):

Name: Yuuki (Biological name)

Age: 15

Hair: Pink (original brown)

Eyes: Purple

Family: Biological parents (unknown), Erin (older brother), Reader (family friend)

Powers: None

Extra Facts: 

- Knows his brother and (Y/n) have powers but doesn't care

- very observant and clever

- likes: his brother, cooking, people watching

-  hates: homework, fights, secrets

    Again this is something I need to organize for my characters. I know this is random and I'll try not to delete (like late time) for future posts. Not only that but I'll be trying to have a much more cleaner writing style and storyline coming soon. Probably not the next chapter but the one after that. I promise it will get more interesting then.

If you have any questions please comment and I'll be happy to answer them all ^^

Colors in Blood | Ninjago x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora