Chapter 1

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    "Hey (n/n) get off your ass already, we only have half an hour before school starts" a voice suddenly said after the girl wakes up. Luckily in a way, he saved her from a nightmare or was it. Slowly opening her eyes she only stares up at the ceiling. Even though she was semi-blind, it never took away the fact the sun is WAY TO BRIGHT! If I wasn't already half-blind I would be blind by now, the only thought that was running in her mind.

    "You better get up," another voice said, looking over she could see it was her roommate and friend's younger brother. "You of all people know how they act whenever you wake up late..."

   Groaning in pure annoyance, (y/n) gets off the bed to start the day, just as she leaves the room. Running around upstairs for a few minutes to grab the new years uniform. Looking at herself in the mirror she could only feel disgusted towards the idea of a skirt. Luckily she thought ahead, some nice shorts. Now it's complete! Going down stairs after fixing up her clothes and stuff she goes to meet the siblings. The youngest was cooking breakfast while the oldest was lazying around in the living room while playing some old school games. Both siblings took her in after the sudden disappearance of her parents which left her alone as she was still a minor.

   "Took you long enough...class is going to start soon. I swear you look like a caterpillar coming out of her beautiful cacoon" the oldest one jokes as they enter the room. A smirk was obviously placed onto their face but falter once they notice the obvious bags under her eyes. "I noticed you were in pain when I passed by your room. Everything alright?"

   "Yeah, just a weird know the one about being a ninja or something. It's always the same ending and it still annoys me about why" she explains grabbing the plate of food only to see it was a PB&J sandwich. Immediately she looks up at him with a smirk on her face. "You really need to learn how to cook kid."

   Receiving a glare from the younger child while the older one snickers. They just continue eating chatting about the most random things. Which turned into the topic of school and the fact (Y/n) and Fang, the oldest, were going into their second year of high school. Then there was Yuki, the youngest, who is in his last year of Junior High. After breakfast, the three left to go their separate ways.

   "Dude hurry your butt, what happened to you being as lean as a wolf" (Y/n) tease, seeing her friend tailing further behind. With a glare, Fang suddenly began to pick up their pace and speeding past her. "H-Hey no far!!"


   "I'm serious the dream was really creepy" I explain while finding my glasses.(If you don't wear glasses go with it). It's always the same dream over and over again which isn't something that ever changes at all. The two of us continue to walk along side each other throughout the street, searching for someone.

   "How the hell should I know that's just completely weird. It's like something from an anime or a kid show but combined. All I can tell you at least it was just a dream, WAY better than the real thing.." Fang said with their usual grin. They always knew just how to calm me down whenever I needed help. We turn the corner where the field is and they do the usual searching expression. "Oh well we can't find it~ Come on we have to hurry before orientation is over. Who knows maybe Miss Bitchy might of missed my gay ass~"

    Laughing at the complaint we hurry into the campus before they close on us. Orientation was the same old thing that wasn't that different than in freshman year. Class wasn't going to start in 10 after that which gave us time to go look for it, or someone. Fang usual call her an it but, it's actually a person. (bf/n), to be exact, who would be found somewhere that involves 'cute and hot naked guys' After finding her watching the swim team the three of us make our way back to class making jokes. We were considered a trio by our first year of high school and has been like that since.

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