I bet father was the cause of my break up. This guy really wants everything to go his way. I never have any free will to do my own decisions. I wanted to swim as a sport but my father says the sport isn't famous in my school and forced me to play football. I just don't have any say anymore.

Sometimes, my mother even disagree with my father's decisions but then he's my father. He gets everything his way as he is the CEO of our company and our main income of money. We used to be poor but worked hard until my father ranked up to be the CEO..then he started being like this: the decision maker. 

The next day, I didn't know what to do. Should I cry? Sleep? Mourn? Runaway alone? I'd doubt I'll survive on my own. I'll even doubt that I can survive without Minju. Sometime, I decided to buy food at a local convenience store to relieve stress. 

Carefully..not really, I rode my bike until a girl with short hair cut my path. People these days are blind. 

''Miss! I could've left you injured if it wasn't for your blindness,'' I thundered, hopping off my bike to have a word. The girl turned around, not believing the words I just spat. She looks..cold? It looks like she was about to kick my nuts so I took a step back. 

''Excuse me? Who are you calling blind? You're the one who shouldn't be riding your damn bike at that speed when you know people are around,'' She scoffed and rolled her eyes, annoyed with my presence. What is her problem? 

I shook my head, letting it slide this time. I bought my supplies and went back home. Remembering what the girl said, I drove a lot slower even though it was clearly her fault on why she was nearly injured.

I slept at 2, knowing that I'll meet my future wife tomorrow whom I don't want to marry. I hate my life sometimes. What's the point if someone will just control you?


''Mr. Shin! Hello there, finally nice to see you again! My son will be on his way very soon,'' I hear my father through the hard doors. I am wearing a suit since this meeting will be formal apparently. I knocked first before entering, seeing everyone's welcome smiles. I bowed and took a seat next to my sister, Heejin. 

''Yah, you were a few minutes late. The girl is too. What a perfect couple,'' Heejin whispered. I threw a glare at her before greeting our company's partner. 

''Oh Mr. Jeon, you have very beautiful children! Heejin is so beautiful and Y/N is really handsome. I believe my daughter will like a guy like you Y/N,'' Mr. Shin complimented, making me smile. My father never said such things to Heejin and I. 

''I'm sure Y/N will like Ryujin as well,'' My dad nodded at me, signaling to say something in return. 

''Ah, y-yes. I hope so t-too,'' I stammered. This is really embarrassing but my mother comforted me by rubbing my back while Heejin snickers quietly. 

Seconds after, I hear the door open and what I saw left me in shock. 

''YOU?!'' We yelled in unison. 

So what's going to happen is that I'll marry the girl who I ran into at the convenience store?! Haha, funny story. Oh boy, this won't end well at all. 

Shin Ryujin, brace yourself because I will not take anything easy on you. 

As she walked in and sat next to her mother, a small smirk formed on my face as I mouthed, ''Good Luck.'' 

a/n: im so sorry for the ending lmao. pt 2? ;D

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