Part 1

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The halls are quiet except for bare feet and the soft padding of a ghost leopards paws as they continued down the long hall of Terassans castle towards the library, the males were sparring while Aelin would love to join them her and Lysandra decided today they would relax since her queenly duties were undercontrol. Aelin opened the doors and was greeted with the beautiful smell of old and new scrolls and books. While Aelin started towards the books Lysandra padded towards the couches, she let out a soft grunt towards the fire which Aelin obviously heard as the fire warmed the room only seconds later, content Lysandra leaped upon the couches and laid down. Aelin joined her with a tall stack of books, a few which Dorian suggested and most she'd never heard of. As the stack continued to dwindle Aelin picked up the next book but when she read the title her heart stopped.

Lysandra noticed the sudden change in mood and opened her eyes to see Aelin frozen staring at a book, her face drained of colour. Lysandra shifted and shook Aelin's shoulders, finally Aelin's eyes drifted to Lysandra and pointed towards the book unable to speak,

The Walking Dead.

They rushed toward the training area to alert the males when they arrived Rowan rushed over like he could sense his mate's distress and his eyes immediately went to the book and his face dropped. He had heard of that book, Aedion came around and noticed his cousin and Rowan's lack of colour in their faces. His eyes found Lysandra's and silently asked what's happening but he got an answer Aelin found herself and the colour reappeared once again.

"Ok as it seems everyone is here" Aelin stopped to look around as Fenrys stalked over " if you hadn't noticed the book in my hand you must be blind but this book is supposed to be here so Fenrys I need you to send a message to Dorian about how the hell this book got here and to tell him to come so we can figure this out while I'm going to put this book in a chest for now until he arrives" and with that she turns and leaves going back to the library. The message was received in a few days and Dorian arrived only two days after with Manon, Elide and Lorcan who were visiting Adarlan. Aelin decided to meet the group at the gates to brief them on what happened.

"So pretty much that rutting book found its way here even though we left at yours so you better have an explanation because we have none" she turned to Dorian,

"Your guess is as good as mine I left it in a box in my-our room" as he snuck a look to Manon who had a calm face as usual "any way he continued it should be at Adarlan so I think we should look at it and then I'll take it back if that's alright with you" he told Aelin she nodded in agreement and led them to the library where she left the book.

When she entered the rest of her court was there staring at the chest as if it would suddenly grow legs, when Aelin entered with Dorian their heads snapped up then drifted back to the chest waiting for an answer. Aelin moved passed her cousin to open the chest to grab the book but when the lock clicked instead of a closed book it was open and on the page for inter dimensional portals stunned that she didn't recognise the page she made a gesture for Dorian to come and from his posture and stillness next to her he didn't recognise it either, he went to reach and grab it and right as his hand touched the page a black swirling mass sucked the group through. As they were falling they fell through this city unlike any of them had seen with buildings impossibly tall and a curved river which the city ran along but before they saw to much else the blinding pain consumed Aelin she felt like her body was being ripped apart then she let the blackness consume her once more and the rest of them when they did stop they landed in outside a manor with green rolling hills and a nauseous smell of flowers.

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