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As a fast asleep Jimin lays in my arms, my eyes are wide awake , staring at the ceiling trying to figure out a plan.

I knew what was coming and I knew what I had to do but even if I did, I also knew there was another option.

Give them the hard drive when they find out he's here or keep the hard drive and tease the Mafia.

I think I like the second option.

I slide away from Jimin so that I don't wake him up as I walk to my balcony.

My balcony wasn't in my room, it had its own little area near my kitchen.

I lay my hands on the bars of the fence around my balcony floor. I grab them tightly breathing in the night air.

Breathing the night air is way better then smoking cigarettes.

I slowly open my eyes , they seem to travel downward and make eye contact with the shadow on the road.

I prop my elbow on the fence and stare at the shadow.

"Oh well hello stranger." I smirk at the shadow.

I clearly can't see the shadows face but I know someone is staring back. The funny thing is they are staring back with blood lust.

But they should also know that the dark gleam in my eyes have the same meaning.

I lean my head back to push back my hair but when I look back down the man is no where to be seen.

I have a smirk in the form of a smile plastered on my face as I stretch.

Just before I head inside, I quickly and with barley any effort throw a dagger down to where the man was.

I have a thing for daggers, always have. They were almost like a trade mark for me.

I eye the spot for awhile until I decide to walk back into my apartment.

I sit at my counter with a cup of water, it was going to be a long night and I knew it.

I get up and walk over to my couch when the dagger is thrown right past my face barley grazing it, stabbing into the wall.

I look over at where it is and grab it. On the dagger was a paper that said

"I'll be waiting.
-H "

I crush the paper in my hand and look out to my balcony, I see the shadow there again and then leave swiftly.

Oh? So the shadow wants to play?

I sit on my couch and twirl the dagger on the table.

I watch as it gleams in the moon light.

I smile to myself like a mad man.

Option two seems to be the right choice don't you think H.

"Can't wait to see you, be prepared."

I place the dagger flat on the table and leave to go back to bed with Jimin.

It's been awhile since I've played with someone, this will be fun.

I climb into bed and staring back at the ceiling, I close my eyes with another faint smile.

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