"Well, did you get yourself off or something?" Molly tilted her head; I gave her a confused look then my eyes widened in realization what she meant, and I shook my head.

"No sexual activities happened last night." I said. I looked behind Xenia and Molly and noticed Justin walking my way and mentally cursed in my head. I was hoping he would come get his clothes when no one was around because I didn't want questions being asked.

He came up and greeted everyone and before he could say anything I just reached in my backpack and handed him his clothes without a word. Thankfully, the bell rang so I had an excuse to dismiss myself before anyone could say anything.

The school day dragged along and throughout, my mind and thoughts were occupied by Justin and this stupid project. Today, mom also needed me at work after practice, so I wouldn't have time to do the project with Justin. We still had 50 more hours to go, which didn't seem like a lot, but it was. It was also crazy to realize how much time we had spent together.

"Are you going to continue to ignore us, or explain why you had Justin Bieber's clothes?" Jacey asked while we walked to her truck. She was nice enough to stay behind for my practice and take me to work since she'd be working with me. My mom wanted the night off, so we agreed we would close the shop and handle things.

I sighed knowing I would have to explain myself, "well, I went to his house after my game, you know for our project, and I was in my game clothes and he handed me some of his clothes to chill in."

"So, you're going to continue to use that project as an excuse to hang out with him instead of just admitting you enjoy his company?"

"It is for the project, Jacey."

"That's not what I see." She sang and drove off to the shop.

On our way there, I got a text from Justin about wanting to hang out, but I had failed to mention I had to work. When I informed him, he sent sad face emojis and asked what time I got off.

To: Justin Bieber


He never replied afterwards, so I thought maybe he felt shot down. However, when Jacey and I closed the shop, I found Justin waiting outside by his car. He told Jacey he would take me home and Jacey gave me a look telling she was right all along, but I shook my head at her.

"Selena, would love a ride from you." Jacey stated, with a hidden double meaning behind it. "Bye you two." She waved to us and drove off.

I stood there staring a Justin, adjusting my backpack on my shoulder. "Should I get you home, then?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

The drive home seemed to take forever, but I think it was my thoughts making the time go slow. His hands gripped the steering wheel, and my mind started to wonder once again about that.

"Selena, um, we're here?"

I looked out the window seeing we were parked in front of my house. "Oh sorry, daydreaming."

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." I laughed and Justin cracked a smile.

"Did you sleep in my hoodie?" Justin asked. I gave Justin a guilty look but tried to cover it up, so he followed up with, "there was slobber on my hoodie." He chuckled and my cheeks blushed red.

"Oh, um, yeah, I ended up just falling right to sleep when I got home." I lied, knowing damn well I had time to change my clothes.

Justin nodded and then asked, "where you embarrassed to hand me my clothes in front of your friends?"

"I didn't want them getting the wrong idea."

"You could always just tell them the truth, Selena."

"Don't worry, I did. They know I didn't let you near me." I sighed. "I should go inside. Goodnight, Justin." I said and without even thinking, I leaned in and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek.

I quickly retracted and stared wide eyed, not believing I just did that. "I'm sorry—" I began to apologize but Justin quickly shut me up with a kiss on my lips. The shocking part is—I didn't pull away; I let Justin kiss me. Justin kissed me and I kissed back.

His left hand went up to hold my face in his hand, and he deepened the kiss which I took my right arm and hooked it around his neck pulling him in closer if possible. The kissing was getting fast, sloppy and the both of us riled up.

"Selena," Justin moaned out in a whisper and his fingers went to the button of my jeans which he successfully unbuttoned but I pulled away.

"I—I should go." I stumbled out and quickly buttoned my pants and grabbed my bag, fumbling a bit.

"Selena, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—"

"Goodnight, Justin, um," I tilted my head and scratched the back of my head, "see you tomorrow." I quickly stated and got out of his car.

I got to my front door and turned around to see Justin's car still parked there and he was still inside, but I couldn't see what he was doing. I opened the door and walked straight to my room, again to my luck, both parents were asleep, and this time Gracie was too.

When I entered my bedroom, I shut my door and leaned against it, letting out a big sigh. I dropped my backpack beside me and started pacing running my hands through my hair and cursed to myself for allowing that to happen. Why did I do that? And why did I actually want it to go further? In a freaking car!

I went to my window to see Justin still parked out front, and a piece of me would hope he would sneak in and we would do it, right here and right now.

But I was left disappointed when he drove off a few seconds later. I flopped on my back on my bed, rubbing my eyes. I'm officially crushing on Justin Bieber.

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