Ch 17: interrogation

Start from the beginning

"What's that suppose to mean?" I growl at him.  He quietly laughs again.

"You shouldn't let your feelings get the better of you, fire ninja.  You'll only make yourself weaker.  But, it seems that you already have that part down.  Pushing him away last night, he must have felt hurt."

"What do you know!" I hiss at him.  "You know nothing, don't act like you know me!"

He ignores my warning.  "If I were you, I'd leave him right now and get back home.  He'll only slow you down and eventually get you killed."  I reach for my sword and put it against his throat.  He barely flinches.

"You listen to me, I can kill you right here, right now, but I won't.  After all, you can be of use to us." I glare daggers into him but he only returns my gaze with a mocking look.

"You can threaten me all you want, but you and I both know that you ninja don't kill.  You hardly like to harm people, let alone kill.  I know all of your little tricks, you won't get anything out of me."  At this point I've heard enough.  I wind up my arm and extend my fist square into his face, knocking him out cold.  I try shake off my fury.  What the hell does he know?  He doesn't know me!  And what 'performance'?!  He has the nerve to tell me to leave my best friend behind, I'll show him!

I then think to last night.  I was looking into Lloyd's eyes, those gorgeous heterocromia eyes, after I had just cauterized the wound on his hand.  He looked so... mesmerizing, beautiful, enchanting, everything about him was absolutely perfect.  His hair, his face, his body, his voice...  Without thinking, I leaned in close, and I... I'm a coward.  I couldn't even kiss the one I've fallen in love with.  It's not like it would have worked out anyway.  He's straight, and... I'm way out of his league.  He deserves someone better, someone who isn't me.  Tears form in my eyes.  I wipe them and look at the covered entrance to the cave.  I wonder what time it is. 

I make my way over to it and I part the many vines and leaves hiding us from the outside world.  The dim light from the faint sunrise sends a few pink and purple streaks interconnecting with the navy blue from the fading night sky.  The cool breeze brushes the leaves on the trees slightly and the sounds of life begin to flourish in the surrounding jungle.  How did I not notice the hours passing?  I must have been too caught up to notice... 

I close the parted vines and move across the cave to the sleeping angel next to the fire.  After a few hours of waiting for light to shine through the cave entering, I gently pat him on the shoulder.  "Lloyd, buddy.  Time to wake up."  He grunts in his sleep and turns away from me.  I nearly laugh out loud.  So cute...  I pat him harder.  "Lloyd, come on.  We've got work to do."  He moves his arm up to his face and uses the back of his hand to cover his eyes.

"Five more minutes." He grumbles.  I playfully roll my eyes.  For a moment, I'm tempted to kiss his head and fluster him awake, but I come to my senses.  He's.  Straight.  He'll never like you like that.  Get that through your head, Kai.  I scold myself.

I turn him over from his side onto his back and he finally gives in and cracks his eyes open.  "Well, well, well, good morning sleeping beauty." I say to him.  He sits up and stretches his back.  He then yawns and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asks me.

"It's morning.  And we have an unwanted guest to deal with."  He looks over to the imposter and sighs.  "How's your hand?"  He looks at his bandaged hand and uncurls his fingers.

"Still hurts."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he pays for stabbing you." I tell him.  He gives a weak smile.

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