What is Love?

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nobody truly knows what love is, because every person have their definition of love that sometimes don't apply to us. but for me, love is sacrifice. we accept hardships in order for our loved ones to be alright, we even sacrifice our own life just for the sake of others.

love is acceptance. we aren't perfect, but exactly our imperfections makes us accept people for who they are. because you didn't love them because you thought you can change them, you love them because they are who they are and there is no changing that.

and lastly, love is indefinable. thats just how it is, even the wisest philosopher can never give meaning to love. because love changes, it changes whenever we meet someone, love changes from person to person. there may be a lot of reasons not to love someone, but in the end, did they matter? of course they did not. because even with the presence of countless things to not love someone, we still accept the little things that we love from them. is it enough, though? doesn't matter. because we still accept whats not enough from the person that we love and ignore the more than enough love we receive from those who love us.

and thats why love is also pain.

words of the lost soulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang