foe of woes

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a terrible plague that came from the east,
may have killed the light above the trees.
the ground may shake our cores to fear,
light shall remain in the eyes of the seer.

the woods who burned in the fire of trash
found a life above the ash.
and lives who passed beyond the graves,
shall find refuge through the waves.

if we all should die before we wake.
then might as well we dwell in faith.
though the past is always with us,
the dawn of light is in front of us.

Writer's Note:

This was a piece I made for an online poetry contest that talks about hope. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the Tops. Mainly because I didn't have enough likes and I was too embarrassed to ask my friends for likes hahah. So this poem is about the recent disasters that's happened in the first months of the year. You all know how terrible this year have been and I'm guessing that it'll get worse (I really hope I'm super wrong tho). That's why I urge all of you to stay safe and stay inside your house. So that we can all get through this together without harming one another.

words of the lost soulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz