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Louis woke up on his own that morning, which was rare, he normally woke up with Leah's cries.

He stretched, but he tried not to move the bed too much because Harry was sleeping next to him, as he was in Harry's bed... again.

He had been sleeping over at Harry's a lot during the past few weeks, so much that he was even keeping some stuff there now.

And maybe it was weird for someone looking at the situation from the outside, but it worked for them, and it was also great for Leah, because she was spending more time with her dad because of the arrangement.

Louis turned to his side while pulling up the bed covers, wanting to sleep a little more, and he noticed Harry was sleeping on his side too, and he was facing the center of the bed.

He watched him for a few minutes, thinking how much Leah looked like him, and what a good dad he was. And he wasn't just a good dad, he was also a good person, which Louis could see so clearly now that Harry's hard exterior had been pealing off little by little.

Suddenly, he felt the need to touch Harry, and without even thinking what he was doing, his hand went to stroke his face, but he stopped himself when his hand was less than an inch from Harry's cheek.

Louis felt a little shocked about that, not understanding what that impulse had been.

Harry was his friend, that was sure thing, but he had never had an impulse to touch his friends that way. Like Zayn, for example, he was his best friend, and he loved him, and he often gave him hugs when he was sad or even happy, but he had never watched Zayn sleep for minutes at a time, and he certainly had never felt the need to touch his face while he slept.

That freaked out Louis enough, that he got up from the bed, but he must have done it to quickly, because it caused Harry to wake up.

"What time is it?" Harry asked sleepily.

"Not sure" Louis mumbled "I'm gonna go check on Leah".

Louis quickly walked out of Harry's bedroom, and went inside Leah's room/Harry's office, and he right away turned off the baby monitor, not wanting Harry to hear anything.

Leah was asleep on her back, one of her arms was over her head, and she was puckering her lips a little, which was adorable.

He knew he needed to let her sleep, but he wanted to hold her, so he picked her up very carefully, and held her to his chest. Leah made a little noise, but he shushed her, and she went to sleep again.

Louis sat on Harry's desk chair, and held Leah for the longest time, while he searched his feelings trying to figure out what was going on in his life.

When Leah finally woke up, Louis changed her nappy and then fed her, and when she was done, he decided he needed to get out of that flat, and he needed to do it soon.

So he went to Harry's room, to be able to get dressed, and he found Harry was still in bed; he had fallen asleep again.

"Harry" Louis said loud enough to wake him up.

Harry stirred, and opened his eyes.

"Can you hold Leah?" Louis asked

"Yeah" Harry said, and yawned while he sat on the bed.

"Here" Louis said, and gave him the baby.

"Hi, Leah" Harry smiled as he took her "How was your night? Did you have nice dreams?".

Louis thought that was adorable, but he tried not to think about it, and he just grabbed the jeans he had been wearing the night before, and started putting them on.

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