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Leah was released from the hospital on Friday afternoon, which was a big relief for everyone.

"Are you happy to be home?" Harry asked his daughter as he sat her down on the couch, and tucked her in with a blanket.

"Yeah..." Leah nodded.

"Yeah? Are you happy to see Flynn? And Otto?" Harry wondered as the dog sat with the girl.

Leah nodded, and reached out for the dog, who was happy to be getting Leah's love.

"Don't get off the couch, yes?" Harry told her nd Leah nodded again "Stay there".

Harry kissed his daughter's forehead, left her there to watch her cartoons, then checked on Flynn who was in his bouncer, and then went to talk to Louis' mum, who was packing her things to go home.

"She's settled" Harry announced.

"That's good, the poor baby wanted to be home so bad" Jay told him.

"I know" Harry nodded "And I know I've said thank you before for all your help, but I want to say it again, you being here this week has been a relief, I will never forget how kind you were to us, thank you".

"I'm always here for your family, Harry, always, so don't ever hesitate to ask for my help" Jay told him and gave him a hug "You're a good person, a good dad and a good future husband for my Lou, so I'm very happy to be here for you and the babies".

Then Jay told Harry how she had left some meals prepared for Leah, following the doctor's instructions of her diet, she said goodbye to the kids and to Harry, and she left to go home.

That left Harry alone with both his kids for the first time in a week. So he took Flynn out of the bouncer, and he sat down on the couch with him, so he could spend time with both his kids.

"I missed having both of you with me" Harry told them.

"Daddy, shh" Leah shushed him and pointed at the screen.

"Sorry, love" Harry chuckled.

He watched the cartoon show with Leah, until Flynn got hungry so he made him a bottle, gave it to him, and then gave Leah her dinner, which was very bland, but it was the only thing she could have after having major surgery in her belly. Then he gave Flynn a bath, put him to bed, and then gave Leah a bath, but had to be very careful because of the surgery incision, which was still healing. That's when the alarm he had set up for Leah's medication went off, so he gave it to her and put her to bed.

The weekend went by fast, and Harry was not able to rest much, so on Monday morning he felt exhausted. Because Leah was still healing, she couldn't return to daycare yet, so Alexandra was going to take care of both kids, for which Harry had to pay extra, as she had only been hired to take care of Flynn. But there was no alternative, and hopefully it would only be for a week or two, because he was spending a ton of money just in childcare, more than he should.

The week went by fast, and on Thursday, Harry took Leah to a scheduled doctor's appointment, as the doctor needed to check on her incision and her overall health.

"Is her appetite back to normal?" The doctor asked.

"Not yet, she still gets full pretty fast" Harry confirmed.

"That's normal" the doctor told him, and then looked at the toddler "Can I touch your belly, love?".

Leah was on the exam table, and Harry was petting her hair to keep her calm, and she nodded cutely, and it made Harry very proud that she wasn't afraid. So he uncovered Leah's belly himself so the doctor could examine her.

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ