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It had taken them some time to figure out the details for their trip up north to visit the graves of Harry's family, but they had finally done it, and they were currently on a train to Manchester with both kids.

It was the third week of August, and Louis was 30 weeks pregnant, but he kept saying how great he felt, but still Harry was doing his best effort to do all the heavy lifting, wanting to keep Louis and Hazel safe. But traveling with a baby and a toddler, plus the luggage and the stroller made it a bit difficult. Actually, it was almost two toddlers, because Flynn was 11 months old, and he was already standing on his own, and giving little steps, so they knew he would be properly walking pretty soon.

"Dada" Flynn said to Harry as he stood on Harry's lap, and he grabbed his hair while at it.

"No, don't pull my hair" Harry told him as he got him to let go.

"Dada" Flynn said as he tried to do the same, but Harry stopped him.

"Why are you so stubborn, huh?" Harry asked him, and kissed his cheek.

"He takes after you" Louis smiled.

Louis was sitting across from Harry, and Leah was next to him watching a movie on the iPad with headphones. They weren't big fans of letting Leah use that, but she had been getting off her seat and trying to run, so they gave in to her to get her to stay still, and it worked. Still, she was cuddled next to her mum, while he held the iPad for her.

"Maybe" Harry admitted as Flynn jumped on his lap, but he held him firmly "I keep wondering how we are going to handle 3 of these little ones in places like these".

"We'll manage babe" Louis smiled "My parents managed 5 kids, we can do 3 just fine".

"Your parents are saints" Harry considered, and Louis laughed.

"They are, but we'll be okay, don't worry" Louis brushed off.

That's when Flynn pulled Harry's hair again.

"Ow" Harry complained and made Flynn let go "Stop doing that, Flynn, it's not nice".

Flynn gave him a cheeky smile. He had green eyes, but in Harry's opinion, besides that, he was Louis' copy, and right now he thought the same, this baby looked just like his mum.

"I'm going to have to chop off those cute little hands" Harry told him as he tickled him.

"Don't tell him that" Louis scolded him.

"He knows I'm joking" Harry said and gave Flynn kisses on his cheek.

"Mummy, wanna go potty" Leah suddenly announced as she took off the headphones.

They had finally managed to fully potty train Leah during the summer, which was honestly a relief, as now once the baby came they wouldn't have 3 kids wearing nappies, just 2.

"I can take her" Harry offered.

"No, I can do it" Louis said as he got up "Let's go, love".

Leah got off her seat, and walked ahead of her mum in the direction of the train's toilet. But because Harry had been watching them, he took his focus off Flynn who suddenly screamed his lungs out. For a moment he thought something was wrong with his child, but then he realized he just wanted attention.

"Hey, no, no screaming, that's rude to other people" Harry told him very seriously.

Harry caught the eye of another passenger on the train who gave him a dirty look and shook her head, and he just ignored her, and focused on his son.

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